Číslo 14, ročník VII


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    Silné a slabé stránky malého a stredného podnikania v Slovenskej republike na príklade vybraného samosprávneho kraja
    (Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta podnikatelská, 2013-06) Vidová, Jarmila; Smiščíková, Andrea
    Purpose of the article: SMEs play an important role as producers of new goods and services, as carriers of innovation. They are promoters of intense competition, creating a culture of entrepreneurial energy, and also have the ability to establish and improve relations between enterprises. The remarkable feature is constantly creating new ideas, what innovative companies liquidate stagnant firms during economic cycles. Methodology/methods: In formulating the scientific paper was used scientific methods of research, based on the classification of data from domestic and foreign sources, using conventional scientific methods such as analysis, synthesis and comparison. We also used the statistical method to query and scaling. Scientific aim: The scientific paper is to determine the status of SMEs in the region of Bratislava. The main focus is on strengths and weaknesses of the business through empirical research. The focus of work will consist of a comparison of results in the diapason from 2002–2010. In the design of the proposed measures will improve the condition. The aim of our study was to detect the possibility of obtaining external funds for business. Findings: Small and Medium Enterprises provides for the creation of new jobs. In the Slovak Republic, especially in the Bratislava region is business on increase evidenced by what also increase the number of businesses. Bridge financing used sources of business loans are. The most important criterion for obtaining funds from external sources for businesses is the interest rate. Conclusions: The business community is crucial for competitiveness in a market economy at all levels. Because it has an important role in coping with competitive pressures of market forces. Businesses are carriers of stabilization, development and employment. The primary source of regional competitiveness, the competitiveness of its business units, which is determined by factors in the general environment, specific environmental factors of the region in which businesses operate and place-specific factors, internal and external business environment. Convenient location of the Bratislava region provides favorable conditions for building a position economically the most important region in Slovakia. The other positives are educated workforce, many universities and financial institutions.
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    Možnosti rozboru důchodové situace domácností na regionální úrovni
    (Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta podnikatelská, 2013-06) Stejskal, Ladislav; Stávková, Jana
    Purpose of the article: The paper deals with issue of evaluation of population’s income situation when selected segmentation criteria have been applied. Methodology/methods: Data for the analysis was gained from a national module of the EU-SILC project. Period chosen was year 2008 which is considered a milestone in the national economic development. The basic variable in calculations was the income level of household. The average monthly income per household member was obtained by dividing the reported disposable household income by number of household members. The number of households at risk of income poverty and the depth of poverty indicators were calculated. Subsequently a quantile analysis was performed and Gini coefficients were calculated. The criterion used was the geographical division of the Czech Republic to regions according to the Standardized classification of territorial units (CZ-NUTS). Region analyzed was Zlín Region. Scientific aim: The aim was to propose a methodological procedure for carrying out the income situation evaluation. The procedure should enable a derived research on income situation and represent a tool that could support creation and direction of the social policy. Findings: Findings of the regional analysis were the lag of disposable income in the region behind the national average, more than twice the share of households at risk of income poverty and uneven representation in income quintiles (in favor of the lowest quintile). The value of the Gini coefficient for the region was 0,210, which indicated a slightly more balanced diversification of incomes compared to the national average (Gini 0,228). Conclusions: The lower value of the Gini coefficient indicated a relatively higher potential of stability of the region. However, summarizing the results authors concluded that long-term structural problems of the region were identifiable and negatively reflected in the income situation of its inhabitants.
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    Vliv organizační kultury na analýzu práce, získávání, výběr, adaptaci a transfer znalostí v organizacích
    (Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta podnikatelská, 2013-06) Stachová, Katarina; Urbancová, Hana
    Purpose of the article: Recruitment and selection of employees are processes that directly precede the adoption of the best employees for the job in the organization during which the employee is evaluated against to the requirements of the organization. In order to have these requirements properly set, it is needed to define them on the basis of a job analysis so that „the most suitable“ candidate is can be selected and well adapted to the job. The effectivity of adaptation influenced by the length and quality of knowledge transfer. Methodology/methods: The article has been prepared based on the analysis of primary and secondary sources, outcome synthesis and the evaluation of results of a questionnaire survey in organizations in the Slovak (n = 340) and the Czech Republic (n = 109). Scientific aim: The aim of the article is to identify the relationship between organizational culture and individual functions of human resource management in organizations in the Slovak and Czech Republic. Findings: The results revealed that the management of organizations is not yet sufficiently aware of the influence of organizational culture on the individual functions of human resource management. The organizational analysis is performed by one third of the monitored organizations. There are not important statistical differences between the states. Conclusions: Organizational culture is an internal factor spreading through the organization, which affects all areas of human resources functions. It also affects the knowledge continuity, which is currently considered as one of the ways to be competitive.
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    Teoretické aspekty řízení rizika internacionalizačního procesu malých a středních podniků
    (Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta podnikatelská, 2013-06) Kubíčková, Lea
    Purpose of the article: Currently the situation of Czech SMEs is quite difficult not only because of economic crisis, but also because of big rivalry at the domestic market. The increasing rivalry and declining demand cause that small and medium enterprises try to entry foreign markets. The internationalization process is, as all companies’ processes, accompanied by risk. This paper is focused on risk management in the internationalization process of SMEs, because risk perception has a direct influence on the management of international activities of companies. Methodology/methods: The compilation of available approaches to risk management process in general was presented in this paper and there also were defined risks of the internationalization process. There also were presented available perspective on the structure of risks associated with internationalization. Furthermore, the risk typology and options of internationalization risk process quantification were presented. The last section is devoted to approaches to risk management process. Survey among Czech SMEs was carried out, focused on risk management. There has been processed data from 91 Czech SMEs. Based on the data obtained there were defined and tested three hypotheses related to risk management. Scientific aim: The aim of the paper is not only to focus on the current situation in the theory of risk management, specifically on risk management methodologies that would be applicable to SMEs, as they often do not have enough educated managers and so risk management is not implemented in SMEs or risk management is carried out at very low level, the aim of this paper is also to find out how Czech SMEs manage the risks. Findings: In the literature it is possible to find a wide range of approaches to risk management, risk management topics internationalization process of firms in the last decade is also fairly widely discussed. Most authors agree that the risk management process would be internationalization basic general principles of risk management, while small and medium-sized enterprises are not expected introduction of complex advanced methodologies of risk management projects. To identify and analyze the risks to businesses available wide range of methods that can be used. Also, methods which could be used to eliminate the risks are many. Conclusions: In this paper are presented methods and procedures applicable to the risk management process of internationalization of small and medium enterprises. Small and medium-sized enterprises in mostly manages risks associated with entrance into foreign markets intuitively, SMEs usually do not have any detailed methodology, which would be internationalization of risk management discussed. Small businesses tend to have problems not only in choosing the appropriate method of eliminating the risks that come across in the course of internationalization activities, but also often do not have the knowledge or the appropriate methods to identify potential risks and analyze. The survey among Czech SMEs showed that Czech SMEs often manage the risks associated with access to foreign markets intuitively and do not have any detailed methodology that would address the risk management of internationalization. SMEs tend to have problems not only in choosing the appropriate methods to eliminate the risks they encounter in the course of internationalization activities, but also often do not have the knowledge or the appropriate methods to identify potential risks and analyze.
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    Riziková analýza stochastického grafu PERT
    (Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta podnikatelská, 2013-06) Doskočil, Radek; Doubravský, Karel
    Purpose of the article: The paper deals with a time and probability analysis of stochastic graph PERT. The paper focuses on the comparison of two different approaches calculation of probability analysis. Concretely the planning time of the project was calculated. A sample PERT network graph was examined, which comprised 18 nodes and 18 real activities and 6 fictions activities. For the purpose of the analysis, the basic characteristic times were calculated in accordance with traditional approaches related to the PERT method. Methodology/methods: The implementation of the PERT algorithm is based on the critical path method (CPM). It was calculated the basic time charactetistics of the project and identificed the critical path. For probability analysis was also calculated expected value, variance and standard deviance of the activities. For calculation of the planning time was used distribution function of standardized normal distribution. The PERT algorithm is realized by using spreadsheet in the MS Excel. Scientific aim: of the paper is comparison of two different approaches calculation of the probability analysis and their influence on the calculation of the planning time of the project. Findings: Two different approaches calculation of the probability analysis shows on different result of values of project planning time. Approach II better reflects the difference between the values of variances of project activities. The value of variance depends on the input values of three time durations s activity estimates (pessimistic, most likely, optimistic). For higher values of probability there is a bigger difference between the values of planned times that are calculated by two described approaches. Conclusions: The problem was solved using the example project whose model (network graph) contained 18 nodes and 24 activities. For each activity have been known three time estimates (pesimitic, most likely, optimistic). Based on these estimates were calculated expected values of the duration activities and their variances. Expected values of the duration activities were used as input values to calculate the time characteristics. Variances of the activities were used as input values to calculate the variance at the nodes. For these calculations two approaches was used. The expected value of project duration (value of earliest time in last node) was the same for both approaches. For the approach I is a value of the variance in the last node less than for the approach II. These values were used as input data for calculation of planning time of the project at various levels of probability according to the standardized normal distribution. From obtained results dependence between the probability and size of the differences in planned times were observed. This difference increases with a probability going to one. Based on the analysis a recommendation shows to use the approach II under conditions when there are large variations between optimistic (pessimistic) estimates of activity durations and the most likely estimate of activity duration. It causes great differences in values of the variances of the activities. The approach II better reflects this dissimilarity in the variances of the activities. This approach provides longer planning times of the project opposite the approach I.