11th Annual Conference on Architecture and Urbanism 2022: New Research Directions in th Volatile World

The 11th International Conference for Doctoral Students of European Schools of Architecture and Urbanism was hosted by the Faculty of Architecture of Brno University of Technology on 9 November 2022. This international gathering provided a relevant platform for discussion and exchange of new knowledge in architecture, urban design and planning, landscape and conservation, architectural theory and history, ecology and sustainable urban development from Czech and European educational and research institutions.
The event was opened in the Architecture session by Begüm Ulusoy, a Doctor of Philosophy and Senior Lecturer at the University of Lincoln’s School of Architecture, Interior Architecture and Design in the UK with an introductory lecture on: Colour and Interiors: Built Environment and Colour Consumption. The afternoon session on spatial planning opened with a lecture by Edyta Łaszkiewicz, an assistant professor at the Laboratory of Social-Ecological Systems Analysis at the University of Lodz, Poland: Making the cities greener and more inclusive: what data and methods do we need in urban planning? The international dimension and quality of the event is evidenced by the participation of experts registered from 14 countries and the number of applications. The papers printed in full in these proceedings have also been published in the university repository dspace.vutbr.cz in Open Access mode, have been assigned a DOI and have been simultaneously indexed in the Google Scholar database and submitted for consideration for inclusion in the Conference Proceedings Citation Index (Clarivate Analytics).
The conference of doctoral studies in this field and format is a unique event in the Czech Republic and was created thanks to the collaboration of a number of experts. We would like to thank especially the scientific committee and reviewers for their excellent work and invaluable comments. We would also like to thank our native speaker, Mr. Simon Botten, for providing English language proofreading of all the papers included in this proceedings.

Název: 11th Annual Conference on Architecture and Urbanism 2022
Podnázev: New Research Directions in the Volatile World
Vydalo: Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta architektury
Editoři: doc. Ing. arch. Jiří Palacký, Ph.D., Ing. arch. Kateřina Dokoupilová-Pazderková, Ph.D.
Jazyková korektura: Simon Botten
Zpracovala: Fakulta architektury, Poříčí 5, 639 00 Brno, Tel.: 541 146 603
Místo a rok vydání: Brno, 2022

© Fakulta architektury VUT v Brně 2022
ISBN: 978-80-214-6119-2


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 5 of 16
  • Item
    Comparative review of World Bank data and empirical studies on inadequate housing
    (Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta architektury, 2022-12-15) de la Cal, Alejandro Segura; de Linera Alperi, Miguel Álvarez
    This study analyses the peer-reviewed empirical studies on slums, informal settlements, and inadequate housing, comparing the scientific analysis with the data obtained from the World Bank open data on people living in these conditions. It identifies the existing gap between the countries with the highest number, percentage, and dimensions of slums, with those on which the largest number of research papers aimed at improving the habitability conditions of their citizens are published.
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    Manifestations of Symbolism in a Contemporary Public Space
    (Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta architektury, 2022-12-15) Sūdžiūtė, Goda
    Contemporary urban design practice often focuses on addressing physical and physiological human needs without emphasising the symbolic dimension of the space. However, built environment can be regarded as a system of signs simultaneously functioning in both the material order of reality and the symbolic one. The option to address both aspects leads to creating spaces that are not only attractive but can also be interpreted by their hidden meanings. The paper addresses the issues of the symbolic dimension of a city in the urban and social contexts while using the notion of “spirituality in place” to seek out the qualities of the built environment that, through its physical design, allows users to find greater meaning in their surroundings. The objective of this research is to make these invisible qualities more understandable by exploring the relationship between the material form and the symbolic meaning.
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    Economic Valuation of Housing Estate Transformation
    (Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta architektury, 2022-12-15) Chudý, Ondřej
    Housing estate areas usually have around a 70% share of public space. A considerable amount of money is spent on the maintenance of these non-building areas. When maintenance efforts decrease, technical and visual aspects of the living environment also decrease. This paper presents a survey conducted in the Modřany housing estate in Prague evaluating current non-building areas and proposing three examples of model transformations. The costs used in the survey were taken from the Catalogue of Interventions in Housing Estates. Benefits presented in the survey are taken from a questionnaire determining residents’ preferences. The goal is to find the correct valuation of the money spent on development and management of public areas of housing estates and show it can bring great benefits for residents.
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    Prague shared spaces: Problems and potential of the shared space approach in the context of mixed-use streets
    (Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta architektury, 2022-12-15) Ostach, Anton
    The aim of this paper is to present the results of a six-year study of shared spaces in the Czech context. The research seeks to understand what the shared space approach is and what the reasons for its origin are. It defines the tools used in shared spaces. Furthermore, it seeks to identify the challenges and opportunities for improving the residential quality of central mixed-use streets. The key objective is to expand knowledge about the current theory in the Czech Republic.
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    Vernacular architectural elements. Mitigating climate conditions in the category Cfa
    (Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta architektury, 2022-12-15) Burešová, Karolína
    Vernacular architecture is a source of inspiration and guidance for the design of housing in a particular region, as well as for protecting and improving the environment, it shows the use of the proper material and can save energy costs, as these buildings cope with the climate through the passive design strategy. The case study discovers the unmechanised architectural form of the elements, which react to the climate conditions on the built environment of the vernacular architecture. The cases are selected according to the Köppen climate classification calculated for the Czech Republic for the period 2071-2100, which is in the category Cfa, along with European cases in the same category Italy, Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Spain, and Krasnodar-Russia. These representatives are observed by Google Street View, and the forms of the architecture are compared. The potential of the research is to use the results in combination with architectural elements of the vernacular(1), contemporary(2) and ecological(3) housing architecture to design a new balanced housing model.