Recent Submissions
Now showing 1 - 5 of 6
- ItemOn bornological induced pseudonearness(Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta strojního inženýrství, Ústav matematiky, 2020) Leseberg, Dieter; Vaziry, ZohrehPseudonearness is considered a common tool for studying bornology,b-topology, pseudoproximity, and last but not least,classicalnearness. For anypseudonear space we construct ab-completion, which generalizes the classical com-pletion of nearness spaces. Then, b-compactification is introduced in the context ofstrictbornotopologicalextensions.
- ItemOn increasing solutions of half-linear delay differential equations(Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta strojního inženýrství, Ústav matematiky, 2020) Matucci, Serena; Řehák, PavelWe establish conditions guaranteeing that all eventually positive increas-ing solutions of a half-linear delay differential equation are regularly varying andderive precise asymptotic formulae for them. The results presented here are new alsoin the linear case and some of the observations are original also for non-functionalequations. A substantial difference is pointed out between the delayed and non-delayed case for eventually positive decreasing solutions.
- ItemCoefficient estimates for special subclasses of k-fold symmetric bi-univalent functions(Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta strojního inženýrství, Ústav matematiky, 2020) Atshan, Waggas Galib; Yalçın, Sibel; Hadi, Rasha AbbasIn the present paper, we consider two new subclasses Nk (μ,) and Nk (μ,) of k consisting of analytic and k-fold symmetric bi-univalent functions defined in the open unit disc U = {z : z 2 C and |z| < 1}. For functions belonging to the two classes introduced here, we derive their normalized forms. Furthermore, we find estimates of the initial coefficients |ak+1| and |a2k+1| for these functions. Several related classes are also considered and connections to previously known results are made.
- ItemNote on a class of k-paranormal weighted composition operators on the Fock space Fp(C)(Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta strojního inženýrství, Ústav matematiky, 2020) Santhoshkumar, C.; Veluchamy, T.In this paper, we characterize the k-paranormal, isometric, spectral radius and the numerical radius of the weighted composition operator C.
- ItemHuffman coding and chains in partition lattices(Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta strojního inženýrství, Ústav matematiky, 2020) Foldes, StephanThe Huffman coding algorithm is interpreted in the context of the lat-tice of partitions of the source alphabet. Maximal chains in the partition latticecorrespond to linear extensions of tree orders, and those among the chains thatexhibit a simple greedy property correspond precisely to executions of the Huffmanalgorithm