Číslo 19, ročník VIII
Recent Submissions
- ItemPodnikání komerční pojišťovny, jeho rizika a regulace(Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta podnikatelská, 2014-06) Nečas, SvatoplukPurpose of the article: The main purpose of the article is to define the term “entrepreneurship of a comercial insurance company” and consider whether the legal definition of insurance activity can be identified with this term. For this purpose, this hypothesis is formulated: “Entrepreneurship of a commercial insurance company can be wholly and solely relate to the definition of insurance activity and activities related to insurance activity under the Insurance Act.” Methodology/methods: The methods of description, analysis, deduction and induction will be used in the article. The research part is based on a qualitative basis. It combines three methods of qualitative research, interviews with experts, a structured interview with open questions, a questionnaire with open questions. Its subject is a managed conversation with leading experts in the field of insurance and related branches. Evaluation of interviews was done by method of interview analysis, respectively thematic analysis and subsequent synthesis based on respondents’ answers. Synthesis was used as a method of gaining new knowledge. The conclusions are the basis for discussion for the theory completion in the case of the term mentioned above and for statements to other contexts that are defined in the objectives of the article. Synthetic approach is applied in the formulation of conclusions of the research. Significant findings for the theory are obtained by abstraction, as derived from observations of the issues, i.e. entrepreneurship of a commercial insurance company. The evaluation also includes a summary of significant matters and it reflects the opinion of the author devised throughout literature and based on interviews. Scientific aim: Article aims to define on the theoretical level the insurance activity of a commercial insurance company (by law) and on the basis of research to determine whether it is possible to identify it with this definition of entrepreneurship of a commercial insurance company. Definition of “entrepreneurship of a commercial insurance company” is the main scientific aim of the article. The article also aims to define risks of entrepreneurship of a commercial insurance company, to verify their importance and to assess the regulation level of the insurance industry. Findings: Among the findings the formulation of the term of entrepreneurship of a commercial insurance company can be included, as specified in the article text. In terms of risks of commercial insurance company’s entrepreneurship these risks were identified as the most significant ones: financial risks, as well as regulatory risk and credit risk of reinsurers. From the field of internal risks the operational risk was mentioned, especially its two forms – human error and failure in the IT field. Conclusions: Although the Insurance Act precisely defines the insurance activity, it is not clear whether it is possible to equate this activity with the entrepreneurship of a commercial insurance company. This ambiguity was attempted to clarify the above formulated hypothesis. The result was negative, which supports the argument considering the definition of insurance activity “only” a pragmatic tool for gripping and setting operation of a commercial insurance company, which does not aim to provide a global view on its entrepreneurship.
- ItemVzdělávací procesy – výzkum potřeb a zkušeností zaměstnavatelů absolventů(Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta podnikatelská, 2014-06) Trčka, LukášPurpose of the article: The aim of this paper is to present the results of own research that demonstrates a part of the dissertation research project “Process management in higher education” (realized in the years 2010–2013). Presented 4th research phase is focused on a group of educational process external customers – employers of fresh graduates. This phase is called The research of the needs and experiences and summarizes suggestions for higher education optimization. Methodology/methods: The Research methodology is built on principles of Business Process Management. The prime data are collected by questionnaire survey – the basic set of the 4th research phase contains 847 respondents. Scientific aim: The scientific inference of presented research is a conversion of process management methodology into domestic university environment. Research identifies key external customers of educational processes and operates with their needs and expectations. Customers are segmented into five basic groups and each group is targeted to prior-year research. Each research phase is conditioned by cooperating partners, especially secondary schools, high schools, colleges, employers of graduates, etc. Findings: The phases carried out in the years 2010–2012 were focused on direct participants in educational processes, ie candidates for higher education, college students and fresh graduates. The result of these phases shows that candidates often have no clear idea of what specific study outcomes they will obtain. During the bachelor or masters course are students usually not able to perspective the study process as a complex and most often are focused only on the performance of particular tasks without direct relation to the needs of potential future employers. Fresh working graduates gain the first reflection of their studies and 40% of them stated that they studied a field in which they can not find relevant job. Therefore the todays 4th phase identifies the needs of domestic employers and formulates their recommendation. Conclusions: Domestic employers prefer to work with graduates, especially for their adaptability to the conditions of the corporate culture. The labor market do not discriminate any graduates of the monitored schools, entrepreneurs often selects a graduate due to his personal knowledge and skills (with an important role of foreign language and soft skills).
- ItemAplikace Benfordova zákona na vládní makroekonomická data: případ obchodní bilance(Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta podnikatelská, 2014-06) Plaček, MichalPurpose of the article: This article builds on research published in the article “Fact and Fiction in EU Governmental Economic Data”.The first section summarizes the basic theory of Benford’s Law. The possible applications of Benford’s Law in cases detecting manipulation of government economic data is dealt with in the practical section. Methodology/methods: An analysis of available literature and empirical studies is used in the theoretical section. We test hypotheses about the convergence of empirical data against Benford’s distribution in the practical section. The Mean Absolute Deviation and Z test are used as the test criterion. Scientific aim: The primary aim of the article is to summarize the current theory regarding Benford’s Law and the practical applications of this theory to governmental macroeconomic data. We compare the empirical results of the Czech Republic with the results of previous studies and discuss the possibilities and limitations of the utilization of the Benford law. Findings: Based on the critical values of the Mean Absolute Deviation and Z test for the first digit of the trade balance, the hypothesis that the occurence of the first digit converges to Benford’s distribution must be rejected. However, the second digit and the first and second combined we found to converge to Benford’s alias logarithmic distribution. Conclusions: The utilization in field of macroeconomic data is very limited because of limiting factors like the small size of the data sample, structural shifts in the economy, macroeconomic adjustment, general availability of data and finally because of the influence of utilized statistical tests. It can be used only as a complementary instrument for macroeconomic data control. The site audit still remains as the crucial instrument.
- ItemLidský kapitál a vnímaná kvalita produkce podniku(Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta podnikatelská, 2014-06) Štamfestová, PetraPurpose of the article: One aim of this paper is to define the concept of human capital and quality and based on the research of foreign literature to examine the findings of empirical research on the impact of human capital on production quality. The second aim is to verify the impact of human capital on the quality of production in industrial companies in the Czech Republic. Methodology/methods: In order to determine wheather human capital influence product quality correlation analysis was used. To create indexes of human capital and quality factor analysis was used and to analyse more complex links between constructs path analysis was used. Scientific aim: This paper is aimed at revealing whether human capital can effect product quality. Findings: Analysis show that there are a positive links between human capital and product quality. The research was carried out between the four dimensions of human capital measurement and quality found a positive correlation. The closest relationship is between employee satisfaction and quality. Employee satisfaction is followed by their motivation, innovation, and at least a close relationship with quality is education of employees. Conclusions: The so-called new economy puts new demands on businesses in terms of achieving long-term performance. More and more important is management of non-financial determinants of business performance which include quality management, information technology, human capital and customer, etc. and also analysing links between each other and thereby to contribute to the development of knowledge regarding the management of non-financial determinants of business performance because these determinants are crucial in achieving long term prosperity and success.
- ItemAnalýza konkurenčního prostředí jako nástroj strategického managementu(Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta podnikatelská, 2014-06) Kubík, JosefPurpose of the article: The competitive environment is an important tool in Strategic Management. It is, therefore, necessary to deal with its analysis. The purpose of this paper is to show the use of Competitive Analysis in the course of the practical application of Porter’s Model. The initial approach is based upon theoretical points-of-view, which allow for their actual implementation in practice. Methodology/Methods: Is based upon methods – and implemented on the basis of the author´s knowledge and observations on economic monographs and economic journals. The contribution is founded upon the study and use of seventeen sources. The analysis of five competitive forces method was used in the author´s actual own research. On the basis of this method, it was possible to evaluate specific companies and to summarise their competitive trends. Scientific aim: The main scientific objective is the linking of theoretical knowledge with practical applications in selected companies, in which were assessed and recognized development trends in the 2011 to 2013 time span. The tool for achieving these goals is the performance of specific solutions for selected analyses. Findings: The analysis conducted suggests the need for the implementation of measures for the given company with the purpose of increasing its competitive abilities. The use of new technologies, the production of organic products and equally, reductions in product prices are presented as its concrete results. Conclusion: The development of business, and business activities, must be based on the use of strategic management tools, which however are based on analytical investigations of competitors. The paper also characterises the current strategic approaches. The author´s research was conducted in concrete companies. Based upon this, the analysed company must minimize the threat of substitute products, and strengthen awareness of their quality and the trademark and brand.