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Recent Submissions
- ItemProject Management in the Time of VUCA: Threat or Opportunity?(University of Hradec Králové, 2024-04-10) Košťálová, Jana; Doskočil, Radek; Širáňová, Lenka; Lacko, BranislavThis study addresses the "projectification of society" and its alignment with the VUCA framework (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity). Four widely used international project management standards—PMI, IPMA, PRINCE2, and PM2—are evaluated for their suitability in the VUCA environment. The research employs a multicriteria approach, specifically the Weighted Sum Approach method, considering factors like volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity. The selected standards are scrutinized based on their adaptability to VUCA challenges, with a focus on PMBOK, IPMA, PRINCE2, and PM2. The seventh edition of the PMBOK has been evaluated on the first position. The study emphasizes the crucial role of selecting an appropriate project management standard for success in navigating the dynamic VUCA world. The results confirmed this and brought a number of recommendations for managing projects in a VUCA environment.
- ItemJob Shop Scheduling Problem Optimization by Means of Graph-Based Algorithm(MDPI, 2021-02-22) Šťastný, Jiří; Škorpil, Vladislav; Balogh, Zoltán; Klein, RichardIn this paper we introduce the draft of a new graph-based algorithm for optimization of scheduling problems. Our algorithm is based on the Generalized Lifelong Planning A* algorithm, which is usually used for path planning for mobile robots. It was tested on the Job Shop Scheduling Problem against a genetic algorithm’s classic implementation. The acquired results of these experiments were compared by each algorithm’s required time (to find the best solution) as well as makespan. The comparison of these results showed that the proposed algorithm exhibited a promising convergence rate toward an optimal solution. Job shop scheduling (or the job shop problem) is an optimization problem in informatics and operations research in which jobs are assigned to resources at particular times. The makespan is the total length of the schedule (when all jobs have finished processing). In most of the tested cases, our proposed algorithm managed to find a solution faster than the genetic algorithm; in five cases, the graph-based algorithm found a solution at the same time as the genetic algorithm. Our results also showed that the manner of priority calculation had a non-negligible impact on solutions, and that an appropriately chosen priority calculation could improve them.
- ItemProject Management in European Structural and Investment Funds Financed Projects in the Czech Republic(University of Hradec Králové, 2023-04-11) Košťálová, Jana; Doskočil, Radek; Širáňová, Lenka; Lacko, BranislavSupport from European structural and investment funds has a large impact and significantly contributes to the reduction of differences between regions within the European Union. In the case of the Czech Republic the European Union helped from 2004 to 2021 to development of the country with amount of 1,700 billion CZK. This support is mainly offered in the form of subsidies by which individual projects have been supported. 164,537 projects have been implemented in the period from 2004 to the end of the year 2021. In such case of large number of projects financed from public resources is appropriate to manage them effectively and finished successfully. International standards of project management recommend the useful methods, tools and procedures leading to higher efficiency and success. The main goal of the article is to evaluate the knowledge and usage of project management international standards in the organizations implementing the projects financed or co-financed from European structural and investment funds. 171 respondents mainly project managers of this type of projects answer in questionnaire survey. They hardly know international project management standards, and if they do know them, they hardly use them in practice, with the exception of the PRINCE2 methodology, in which they have some certified employees.
- ItemSocial Distancing as p-Dispersion Problem(IEEE, 2020-08-14) Kůdela, JakubThe spread of COVID-19 and similar viruses poses new challenges for our society. There is a strong incentive towards safety measures that help to mitigate the outbreaks. Many countries have imposed social distancing measures that require a minimum distance between people in given places, such as schools, restaurants, shops, etc. This in turn creates complications for these places, as their function is to serve as many people as they were originally designed for. In this paper, we pose the problem of using the available space in a given place, such that the social distancing measures are satisfied, as a p-dispersion problem. We use recent algorithmic advancements, that were developed for the p-dispersion problem, and combine them with discretization schemes to find computationally attainable solutions to the p-dispersion problem and investigate the trade-off between the level of discretization and computational efforts on one side, and the value of the optimal solution on the other.
- ItemWEDM used for machining high entropy alloys(MDPI, 2020-10-25) Mouralová, Kateřina; Beneš, Libor; Zahradníček, Radim; Bednář, Josef; Záděra, Antonín; Fries, Jiří; Kaňa, VáclavUnconventional wire electrical discharge machining technology (WEDM) is a key machining process, especially for machining newly emerging materials, as there are almost no restrictions (only at least minimal electrical conductivity) in terms of demands on the mechanical properties of the workpiece or the need to develop new tool geometry. This study is the first to present an analysis of the machinability of newly developed high entropy alloys (HEA), namely FeCoCrMnNi and FeCoCrMnNiC0.2 using WEDM. The aim of this study was to find the optimal setting of machine parameters for the efficient production of parts with the required surface quality without defects. For this reason, an extensive design of experiments consisting of 66 rounds was performed, which took into account the influence of five input factors in the form of pulse off time, gap voltage, discharge current, pulse on time and wire speed on cutting speed and the quality of the machined surface and its subsurface layer. The analysis of topography, morphology, subsurface layers, chemical composition analysis (EDX) and lamella analysis using a transmission electron microscope (TEM) were performed. An optimal setting of the machine parameters was found, which enables machining of FeCoCrMnNi and FeCoCrMnNiC0.2 with the required surface quality without defects.