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    Techniques of Soil Modification for Re-use in Construction
    (IOP Publishing, 2018-07-16) Michalčíková, Magdaléna; Drochytka, Rostislav
    Nowadays effort is made to study what effects may impact the environment and to address the issue of waste management. The majority of all waste produced is construction waste and demolition debris (approx. 65%). This category includes soil excavated during the construction of e.g. foundations or utility infrastructure. In most cases, this soil finds no use at the original construction site and is landfilled. The challenge is to find a useful purpose for this soil. In order to re-use soils in construction, they must be modified. Currently, there are several techniques of soil modification, most notably compaction and stabilisation. Stabilisation is usually achieved by the addition of binders (lime, cement). A lesser known technology of soil modification is fluidification by means of fluidifiers, plasticisers, or other admixtures. In the Czech Republic, this technology is currently not being used. Within the following contribution is described the testing of two types of soil in which was verify the possibility of liquefaction by using binders and additives. As optimal was appeared the use of 1.5% lime, 4% cement and 1% plasticiser SVC-1062. The binders soil effectively stabilized and the plasticiser positively influenced the rheological properties of the mixture.
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    Hygric and mechanical parameters of ternary binder based plasters lightweighted by expanded perlite
    (IOP Publishing, 2018-07-12) Čáchová, Monika; Koňáková, Dana; Vejmelková, Eva; Vyšvařil, Martin; Bayer, Patrik
    This article is focused on modern plasters with improved thermal insulating ability. The studied plasters were composed of lime, cement, ceramic powder, expanded perlite and silica sand. Regarding the matrix, three kinds of binders were used. Lime was partially replaced by ceramic powder. These waste materials show good pozzolanic reactivity and thus bring economic and ecological benefits. Portland cement was added as a third component to the mixture for the purpose of improving mechanical performance of the studied plasters. In this article, mechanical properties of designed plasters are presented. It was proved that matrix strengthening brought positive effect and eliminated the deterioration of mechanical behaviour; the final values of compressive strength were over 3 MPa. Due to desired high porosity of the studied plasters, their durability can be strongly affected by presence of the water. Therefore, in this article, the hygric parameters were studied too. Namely, the water absorption coefficient, apparent moisture diffusivity, the water vapour diffusion resistance factor and sorption and desorption isotherms belong among studied hygric characteristics. In this article, pore size distribution curves, which affect the discussed parameters, are presented.
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    Monitoring the long-term durability and microstructure of polymer concrete patching materials with high content of secondary raw materials using advanced methods
    (IOP Publishing, 2018-07-16) Hodul, Jakub; Mészárosová, Lenka; Drochytka, Rostislav
    For commercially produced polymer systems, only primary raw materials are used as fillers. These fillers are predominantly pure silica sand of various grading. The substitution of primary materials with secondary raw materials, and their efficient use in the manufacture of polymeric repairing substances, is an indisputable advantage of the use of secondary raw materials. There is currently no general methodology for monitoring the long-term durability and microstructure of repairing substances on a polymeric basis. In this article, long-term durability was assessed by subjecting developed substances with a high content of secondary raw materials (60% fly ash, 75% glass recyclate) to freezing cycles and subsequent cohesion testing. Additionally, through exposure of a concrete element reprofiled by the developed substance, the weather effects for approximately one year. The microstructure of polymeric repairing substances cannot be observed by the same methods used for silicate substances. With regard to the type of tested substance and the filler used, advanced CT tomography and high resolution optical microscopy were chosen for monitoring the microstructure. Based on the results of the tested substances cohesion with the underlying concrete following the freezing cycles, and the evaluation of the taken images, it can be stated that the test repairing substances have excellent long-term durability and can be used in different applications. Furthermore, it was confirmed that replacing the primary filler with the secondary raw material does not reduce the long-term durability of the polymeric repairing substances on an epoxy basis. It was confirmed that only slight degradation occurs due to the photooxidation of epoxy resin by UV radiation, but this does not have a significant effect on physical and mechanical properties.
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    The Assessment of Cement Mortars after Thermal Degradation by Acoustic Non-destructive Methods
    (IOP Publishing, 2017-10-25) Topolář, Libor; Kysilková, Daniela; Hoduláková, Michaela
    Thanks, the terrorist attacks on the worldwide interest in the design of structures for fire greatly increased. One of the advantages of concrete over other building materials is its inherent fire-resistive properties. The concrete structural components still must be able to withstand dead and live loads without collapse even though the rise in temperature causes a decrease in the strength and modulus of elasticity for concrete and steel reinforcement. In addition, fully developed fires cause expansion of structural components and the resulting stresses and strains must be resisted. This paper reports the results of measurements by Impactecho method and measurement by ultrasound. Both methods are based on the acoustic properties of the material which are dependent on its condition. These acoustic methods allow identifying defects and are thus suitable for monitoring the building structure condition. The results are obtained in the laboratory during the degradation of composite materials based oncement by high-temperature.
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    Effect of chitosan ethers on fresh state properties of lime mortars
    (IOP Publishing, 2017-10-25) Vyšvařil, Martin; Žižlavský, Tomáš
    The fresh state properties of mortars are eminently important since determine the material workability and also have a great influence on its hardened state characteristics. In this paper, the behaviour of fresh lime mortars modified by etherified derivatives of chitosan (hydroxypropylchitosan (HPCH) and carboxymethylchitosan (CMCH)) is assessed with the purpose of exploring a new application of such derivatives as lime mortar admixtures. The rheological parameters (relative yield stress, consistency coefficient and fluidity index) and viscoelastic properties were correlated with flow table tests, relative density measurements, water retention abilities of mortars and air content in mortars. Results were seen to be strongly dependent on substituents of the chitosan. Non-ionic derivative (HPCH) had a plasticizing influence on the mortars; the ionic CMCH showed the thickening effect. The effect of chitosan ethers was found to be dosage-dependent. CMCH had low impact on water retention, while HPCH displayed high water retention capability. It was concluded, that the ionic derivative (CMCH) is very similar by its viscosity enhancing effect to starch ether.