Číslo 36, ročník XIV


Recent Submissions

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  • Item
    Determinants of Financial Reporting Quality in Quoted Manufacturing Firms: Nigerian Evidence
    (Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta podnikatelská, 2020-12) Seiyaibo, Carl Madawa; Okoye, Emma Ikechukwu
    Purpose of the article: The study is undertaken to establish whether there is a relationship between financial reporting quality and the firm size, board independence, board size, institutional ownership, and growth opportunity in manufacturing firms quoted on the Nigerian Security Exchange. Methodology/methods: The research employs ex-post facto design; the population of the study is made up of fifty-four (54) manufacturing firms quoted on the Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE); the judgmental sampling technique was utilized to select forty eighty (48) manufacturing firms as the study sample, while the Jarque Bera normality test, correlation and ordinary least squares (OLS) were used in the data analysis. Scientific aim: To ascertain the determinants of financial reporting quality in quoted manufacturing firms listed on the Nigeria Stock Exchange. Findings: The study revealed a significant positive relationship between the board size and firm financial reporting quality. Equally, the study further revealed that the firm size, board independence, institutional ownership and growth opportunity as financial reporting quality indicators have no significant effect on financial reporting quality. Conclusions: The study concludes that the board size is positively associated with firm financial reporting quality and that large boards are associated with better firm financial reporting quality, possibly through closely monitored management and robust decision-making. The implication is that larger boards can increase the quality of collective control and decision-making by utilizing the diversities of knowledge and expertise in the board, hence increasing financial reporting quality.
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    Perceived High Performance Work Practices and Employee Engagement: An Empirical Study in Nigeria
    (Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta podnikatelská, 2020-12) Isimoya, Ogorchukwu Augustine; Bakare, Bamidele Emmanuel; Olaniyan, Michael Sunday
    Purpose of the article: Employee engagement, which has been acclaimed as one of the key determinants of the organisational performance, largely depends on employees’ dispositions. Thus, the purpose of this study is to examine the effects of high performance work practices (HPWPs) on employee engagement. Methods: The study is based on a cross-sectional survey which examined a representative sample of three hundred and ninety-one employees (391). Six participating banks were selected randomly while the respondents were judgmentally selected among the banks. Structured questionnaires were provided to the sample the respondents and the data gathered were analysed using SPSS version 20. Scientific aim: This study seeks to provide scientific evidence of the efficacy of using a bundle of complementary human resource (HR) practices rather than single HR practice to engage skilled employees. Findings: The study revealed that a combination of all the four selected HPWPs as a bundle, significantly predicted employee engagement. However, only employee training and development as a single HR practice variable, significantly predicted employee engagement, while employee empowerment, performance appraisal and performance related pay were insignificant. Conclusions: This study highlights the need for human resource (HR) managers to understand and apply the most productive bundle of HR practices in nurturing employee engagement for desirable organisational outcomes. Based on the findings, a bundle of HR practices, which have complementary qualities, is imperative for employee engagement. This study has contributed to highlighting the organisational factors fostering employee engagement and ameliorating employees’ and organisational performance in Nigeria.
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    Measuring the Value Relevance of Financial Information for Strategic Decision-Making and Performance of Nigerian Listed Firms
    (Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta podnikatelská, 2020-12) Osazevbaru, Henry Osahon
    Purpose of the article: Management has traditionally used financial information for strategic decision-making. This study investigates the value relevance of financial information contained in earnings per share and operating cash flow per share for strategic decision-making and hence performance. It utilized secondary data extracted from annual reports and accounts of fortythree (43) listed firms on the Nigerian Stock Exchange over the period of 2006–2017. Methodology/methods: The collected data were subjected to analysis using the non-linear symmetric Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity (GARCH (1 1)) model, which is capable of handling time varying properties of financial time series to measure the statistical significance of the association between the variables of interest. Scientific aim: The paper is aimed at empirically investigating the value relevance of financial information to ascertain its potency for handling strategic decisions of listed firms in Nigeria. This is to digress from the contextual factors in the decision-making process and construct an integrated link between value relevance research and strategic management. Findings: The study found that earnings per share and operating cash flow per share are individually and jointly value relevant in strategic decisions and performance. Conclusion: It is necessary to pay attention to the financial information system of an organization to enhance the quality of services it can provide to strategic management. It is necessary to pursue the fundamental quality of relevance that guarantees predictive, materiality and confirmatory values and enhancing quality that measures usefulness by both management and regulators.
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    Effect of Productive Age on the Real Estate Market
    (Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta podnikatelská, 2020-12) Poláček, Tomáš; Oulehla, Jiří; Luňáček, Jiří
    Purpose of the article: With the ever-increasing development of property prices and the disproportionate number of new housing developments, the question is which factors have an impact on this phenomenon from the-out-of-the-box perspective. For the article, the main variables which influence the real estate market were selected by secondary research. These variables were chosen as independent variables. The dependent variable was explicitly created for this research as the Index of the Productive Age (IPA). Methodology/methods: Using statistical and econometric tools allowed us to determine which variables have a statistically significant effect on the development of prices and the whole nature of the real estate market. Scientific aim: The study deals with the effect of the size of the productive population on the real estate market, more precisely on the price of real estate. Findings: Finding that the “fuzzy” variable of age can have a significant influence on the real estate market. As a result, it can be stated that the larger the population of the productive age, the more real estate is being built, but also its prices increase. Conclusions: The sensitivity of IPA changes to selected variables. Also, within rising prices on the real estate market, it is possible to observe an increase in demand for alternative housing. Based on the research, the hypotheses were addressed in the discussion and conclusion.