ÚFI-odbor mikromechaniky materiálů a technické akustiky
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- ItemThe Impact of Vibrational Entropy on the Segregation of Cu to Antiphase Boundaries in Fe3Al(MDPI, 2021-08-02) Friák, Martin; Černý, Miroslav; Šob, MojmírWe performed a quantum mechanical study of segregation of Cu atoms toward antiphase boundaries (APBs) in Fe3Al. The computed concentration of Cu atoms was 3.125 at %.The APBs have been characterized by a shift of the lattice along the h001i crystallographic direction. The APB energy turns out to be lower for Cu atoms located directly at the APB interfaces and we found that it is equal to 84 mJ/m2. Both Cu atoms (as point defects) and APBs (as extended defects) have their specific impact on local magnetic moments of Fe atoms (mostly reduction of the magnitude). Their combined impact was found to be not just a simple sum of the effects of each of the defect types. The Cu atoms are predicted to segregate toward the studied APBs, but the related energy gain is very small and amounts to only 4 meV per Cu atom. We have also performed phonon calculations and found all studied states with different atomic configurations mechanically stable without any soft phonon modes. The band gap in phonon frequencies of Fe3Al is barely affected by Cu substituents but reduced by APBs. The phonon contributions to segregation-related energy changes are significant, ranging from a decrease by 16% at T = 0 K to an increase by 17% at T = 400 K (changes with respect to the segregation-related energy difference between static lattices). Importantly, we have also examined the differences in the phonon entropy and phonon energy induced by the Cu segregation and showed their strongly nonlinear trends.
- ItemImpact of Antiphase Boundaries on Structural, Magnetic and Vibrational Properties of Fe3Al(MDPI, 2020-11-01) Friák, Martin; Černý, Miroslav; Všianská, Monika; Šob, MojmírWe performed a quantum-mechanical study of the effect of antiphase boundaries (APBs) on structural, magnetic and vibrational properties of Fe3Al compound. The studied APBs have the {001} crystallographic orientation of their sharp interfaces and they are characterized by a 1/2 < 111 > shift of atomic planes. There are two types of APB interfaces formed by either two adjacent planes of Fe atoms or by two adjacent planes containing both Fe and Al atoms. The averaged APB interface energy is found to be 80 mJ/m(2) and we estimate the APB interface energy of each of the two types of interfaces to be within the range of 40-120 mJ/m(2). The studied APBs affect local magnetic moments of Fe atoms near the defects, increasing magnetic moments of FeII atoms by as much as 11.8% and reducing those of FeI atoms by up to 4%. When comparing phonons in the Fe3Al with and without APBs within the harmonic approximation, we find a very strong influence of APBs. In particular, we have found a significant reduction of gap in frequencies that separates phonon modes below 7.9 THz and above 9.2 THz in the defect-free Fe3Al. All the APBs-induced changes result in a higher free energy, lower entropy and partly also a lower harmonic phonon energy in Fe3Al with APBs when compared with those in the defect-free bulk Fe3Al.
- ItemSegregation of Phosphorus and Silicon at the Grain Boundary in Bcc Iron via Machine-Learned Force Fields(MDPI, 2024-01-12) Černý, Miroslav; Šesták, PetrThe study of the effects of impurity on grain boundaries is a critical aspect of materials science, particularly when it comes to understanding and controlling the properties of materials for specific applications. One of the related key issues is the segregation preference of impurity atoms in the grain boundary region. In this paper, we employed the on-the-fly machine learning to generate force fields, which were subsequently used to calculate the segregation energies of phosphorus and silicon in bcc iron containing the n-ary sumation 5(310)[001] grain boundary. The generated force fields were successfully benchmarked using ab initio data. Our further calculations considered impurity atoms at a number of possible interstitial and substitutional segregation sites. Our predictions of the preferred sites agree with the experimental observations. Planar concentration of impurity atoms affects the segregation energy and, moreover, can change the preferred segregation sites.