Transformation of Central Railway Stations: Record of Complex Knowledge
Čechová, Kateřina
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Vysoké učení technické v Brně,Fakulta architektury
Velké projekty transformace centrálních nádraží a přilehlých oblastí se vyznačují nesmírnou složitostí. Popis a analýza celého projektu i procesu v jejich komplexnosti jsou v době fragmentace expertních znalostí na jednu stranu složité, zároveň ale, zejména kvůli délce přípravy a realizace tohoto typu projektů v řádu několika desetiletí, naprosto zásadní pro udržení základní kontinuity příprav. Srozumitelné vyhodnocení zahraničních zkušeností z transformace nádraží King’s Cross v Londýně a hlavního nádraží ve Vídni – hlavní cíl mé disertační práce – by mohlo být cenným příspěvkem do domácí diskuse o transformaci území při velkých nádražích jak v Praze, tak v Brně.
Large scale urban regeneration projects of central railway stations are considered to be extremely complex. The description and analysis of such projects and the formation of their complexity is becoming difficult as knowledge becomes fragmented among various professionals and “lost” in the course of a decades-long process. Nevertheless, this knowledge is essential for keeping track of the project over long periods of times and might prove useful when such a project is encountered for the first time in any given environment. Such is the case with Prague and Brno railway stations’ regeneration projects, that might draw inspiration from similar projects currently being undertaken in London (King’s Cross) and Vienna (Hauptbahnhof).
Large scale urban regeneration projects of central railway stations are considered to be extremely complex. The description and analysis of such projects and the formation of their complexity is becoming difficult as knowledge becomes fragmented among various professionals and “lost” in the course of a decades-long process. Nevertheless, this knowledge is essential for keeping track of the project over long periods of times and might prove useful when such a project is encountered for the first time in any given environment. Such is the case with Prague and Brno railway stations’ regeneration projects, that might draw inspiration from similar projects currently being undertaken in London (King’s Cross) and Vienna (Hauptbahnhof).
8th Annual Conference on Architecture and Urbanism 2019, s. 77-85. ISBN 978-80-214-5802-4.
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© Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta architektury