Bioplynová stanice Telč
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Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební
Návrh areálu s názvom „rozvoj VTP a CTT Vysočina“ počíta so zámerom výstavby Vedecko-Technického parku, ktorá za rôznych podmienok bude testovať skladbu vstupných plodín a optimalizovať parametry k výrobe bioplynu a jeho energetickému využitiu. Cieľom bakalárskej práce bolo navrhnúť budovu Vedecko Technického parku a laboratóríi hlavne po stránke dispozičnej velmi jednoduchú a logicky usporiadanú ale zároveň vytvoriť exteriér, ktorý pôsobí reprezentatívne a svojím výrazom splňuje priemyselný charakter okolia. Budova VTPL je navrhnutá ako jedno a čiastočne dvojpodlažný objekt, skladajúci sa z jedného dvojpodlažného kvádra a troch jednopodlažných vystupujúcich kvádrov, ktoré sa postupne zmenšujú a kopírujú trojuholníkový tvar parcely. Stavba bola navrhnutá, tak aby bol zaistený čo najplynulejší prechod hmôt z technologických objektov do budovy VTPL a následne do jednotlivých laboratóríi a kancelárií. Pre dosiahnutie priemyselného výrazu bol objekt opláštený panelmi z hliníkového kompozitu.
This proposal called "development of VTP and CTT Vysočina” counts with the intention of building a science and technology park , which under different conditions will test composition of crop input parameters for biogas production and energy utilization . The aim of the thesis was to design a building of Science and Technology Park and laboratories which has a very simple and logically arranged disposition but also representative exterior which creates a strong industrial character . VTPL building is designed as one and partly two-storey building which consist of one two-storey blocks and three single-storey blocks, which gradually shrink and copy the triangular shaped site. The building was designed in a way to ensure a smooth transition of materials from technological objects into the VTPL building and then to individual laboratories and offices . To achieve expression of industrial building was covered in aluminum composite siding.
This proposal called "development of VTP and CTT Vysočina” counts with the intention of building a science and technology park , which under different conditions will test composition of crop input parameters for biogas production and energy utilization . The aim of the thesis was to design a building of Science and Technology Park and laboratories which has a very simple and logically arranged disposition but also representative exterior which creates a strong industrial character . VTPL building is designed as one and partly two-storey building which consist of one two-storey blocks and three single-storey blocks, which gradually shrink and copy the triangular shaped site. The building was designed in a way to ensure a smooth transition of materials from technological objects into the VTPL building and then to individual laboratories and offices . To achieve expression of industrial building was covered in aluminum composite siding.
KUNDRÁK, K. Bioplynová stanice Telč [online]. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební. 2014.
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Study field
Architektura pozemních staveb
Date of acceptance
Result of defence
práce byla úspěšně obhájena
Document licence
Standardní licenční smlouva - přístup k plnému textu bez omezení