Adaptability of the Suburban Environmental Structure
Jenčková, Barbora
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Vysoké učení technické v Brně,Fakulta architektury
Volná krajina suburbánního území stále ještě vytváří prostor pro formování nových sídelních struktur. Některé nové stavby v perimetru velkých měst vznikají ve vazbě na stávající sídla jako odezva na poptávku v sídle či regionu, mnohé jsou však na místních podmínkách a potřebách téměř nezávislé. Zatímco na okrajích původních obcí se rozvíjí nová monofunkční zástavba pro bydlení, ve volné krajině se nově utvářejí průmyslové a logistické areály, které výrazně ovlivňují krajinu i obraz sídel. Zejména se jedná o areály a objekty nadmístního využití, jejichž vznik je determinován potřebou v globálním kontextu a které jsou vázané na existenci nadmístní dopravní infrastruktury. V perimetru města Brna jsou v oblastech Židlochovicka a Kuřimska zkoumány vazby nových struktur na stávající osídlení, míra přínosu nových intervencí či naopak oslabení stávajících sídelních struktur těmito intervencemi a adaptabilita původních a nových struktur osídlení v souvislosti s těmito jevy.
The free landscape of the suburban area still creates space for the formation of new settlement structures. Some new constructions in the perimeter of large cities arise in relation to existing settlements in response to demand in a settlement or region, but many are almost independent of local conditions and needs. While a new monofunctional housing development is being developed at the margins of the original municipalities, industrial and logistic areas are being formed in the open countryside, which significantly influence the landscape and the image of settlements. In particular, these are areas and objects of over-local use, the emergence of which is determined by need in a global context and which are linked to the existence of over-local transport infrastructure. In the perimeter of the city of Brno, the links between new structures and existing settlements, the extent of the benefits of new interventions or the weakening of existing settlement structures by these interventions and the adaptability of original and new settlement structures in relation to these phenomena are examined.
The free landscape of the suburban area still creates space for the formation of new settlement structures. Some new constructions in the perimeter of large cities arise in relation to existing settlements in response to demand in a settlement or region, but many are almost independent of local conditions and needs. While a new monofunctional housing development is being developed at the margins of the original municipalities, industrial and logistic areas are being formed in the open countryside, which significantly influence the landscape and the image of settlements. In particular, these are areas and objects of over-local use, the emergence of which is determined by need in a global context and which are linked to the existence of over-local transport infrastructure. In the perimeter of the city of Brno, the links between new structures and existing settlements, the extent of the benefits of new interventions or the weakening of existing settlement structures by these interventions and the adaptability of original and new settlement structures in relation to these phenomena are examined.
8th Annual Conference on Architecture and Urbanism 2019, s. 20-27. ISBN 978-80-214-5802-4.
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© Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta architektury