Rodinný dům s provozovnou
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Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební
V bakalářské práci je řešena novostavba samostatně stojícího rodinného domu s provozovnou. Objekt je navržen v obci Brno-město, okr. Brno na parcele č. 1428/1 na katastrálním území Kohoutovice. Zastavěná plocha je 164,5 m2. Rodinný dům je dvoupodlažní, částečně podsklepený s obytným podkrovím. V obytné části přízemí je navržen vstup, zádveří, chodba, koupelna s WC, kuchyně, spíž, jídelna + obývací pokoj,schodiště. V provozní části přízemí je navržen vstup, čekárna, veterinární ordinace, WC pro klienty, WC pro zaměstnance, zázemí, šatna, sklad. V podkroví jsou 2 pokoje, pokoj pro hosty, ložnice,koupelna, WC, šatna, pracovna, chodba, balkón. V suterénu je dílna, prádelna, technická místnost, úklidová místnost, chodba, schodiště. Objekt je založen na základových pasech z betonu C16/20, obvodové nosné zdivo v suterénu je z BTB tvarovek ,ostatní nosné konstrukce jsou ze systému Porotherm. Schodiště je monolitické. Střecha je sedlová s hambálkovou soustavou ve sklonu 35° a keramickou taškou Tondach Figaro11.
The bachelor work contains design documents of a standalone family house with an establishment. This house is situated in the area of Brno-centre, region Brno in parcel no. 1428/1 in the land register of Kohoutovice. Built up area is 164,5 m2. The house is a twofloor,partial basement with an attic. On the ground floor of the living part of the house is designed entrance, vestibule, corridor, bathroom, WC, kitchen, pantry, cojoined dining room and living room, and staircase. In the operational part of the ground floor is designed entrance, waiting room, veterinary medicine, WC for the patients, WC for the working staff, conveniences, dressroom, and store room. In the attic there are situated two rooms, quest bedroom, master bedroom, bathroom, WC, dressroom, study, corridor, and loggia. In the basement there are situated workshop, laundry room, cleaning store room, corridor, and staircase. The building is based on foundation strips made from concrete C16/20, all peripheral frame structures in the basement are designed in BTB bricks, and the elevated frame sturcturesthe syare designes in system Porotherm. Staircase is made as monolithic construction with wood paneling. Roof is a gabled roof of the type „hambalek“ construction. Roof slope is 35° with ceramic tile of „Tondach Figaro 11“.
The bachelor work contains design documents of a standalone family house with an establishment. This house is situated in the area of Brno-centre, region Brno in parcel no. 1428/1 in the land register of Kohoutovice. Built up area is 164,5 m2. The house is a twofloor,partial basement with an attic. On the ground floor of the living part of the house is designed entrance, vestibule, corridor, bathroom, WC, kitchen, pantry, cojoined dining room and living room, and staircase. In the operational part of the ground floor is designed entrance, waiting room, veterinary medicine, WC for the patients, WC for the working staff, conveniences, dressroom, and store room. In the attic there are situated two rooms, quest bedroom, master bedroom, bathroom, WC, dressroom, study, corridor, and loggia. In the basement there are situated workshop, laundry room, cleaning store room, corridor, and staircase. The building is based on foundation strips made from concrete C16/20, all peripheral frame structures in the basement are designed in BTB bricks, and the elevated frame sturcturesthe syare designes in system Porotherm. Staircase is made as monolithic construction with wood paneling. Roof is a gabled roof of the type „hambalek“ construction. Roof slope is 35° with ceramic tile of „Tondach Figaro 11“.
novostavba rodinného domu s provozovnou, betonové základy, stavební systém Porotherm, monolitické schodiště, hambalková soustava, obytné podkroví, new building of family house with an establishment, concrete foundations, Porotherm building system, monolithic staircase, roof constuction of hambalek, dwelling attic
JULÍNEK, D. Rodinný dům s provozovnou [online]. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební. 2012.
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Pozemní stavby
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práce byla úspěšně obhájena
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Standardní licenční smlouva - přístup k plnému textu bez omezení