Automatická 3D segmentace obrazu mozku
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Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií
Táto bakalárska práca popisuje návrh a implementáciu systému na automatickú 3D segmentáciu mozgu založeného na konvolučných neurónových sieťach. Prvá časť práce je venovaná krátkej histórii neurónových sietí a teoretickému popisu funkcionality konvolučných neurónových sietí. Predstavuje rýchly úvod do problematiky a poskytuje teoretický základ pre pochopenie a vytvorenie samostatného systému. Popísané sú jednotlivé vrstvy neurónovej siete, princípy ich fungovania a vzájomnej náväznosti. Druhá časť práce sa zaoberá analýzou problému, návrhom konkrétneho riešenia a porovnaním neurónových sietí s inými riešeniami. Výsledkom magnetickej rezonancie hlavy je séria čierno-bielych snímok, ktoré reprezentujú 3D sken. Úlohou je označiť mozog a tým odstrániť nepotrebné informácie vo forme okolitých tkanív. Výsledný obraz mozgu môže byť využitý pri volumetrii alebo diagnostike neurodegeneratívnych chorôb. Výhodou neurónových sietí v porovnaní s deterministickými systémami je ich flexibilita. Umožňujú prispôsobenie na iné typy segmentačných problémom len zmenou množiny trénovacích dát, bez nutnosti zásahu do architektúry. Jedným zo systémov vykonávajúcich plne automatickú 3D segmentáciu sa nazýva U-Net – jeho názov vychádza z podobnosti architektúry s písmenom U. Prezentované boli tri reálne riešenia, prvotný návrh U-Netu, rozšírený U-Net a rekurentný U-Net. Prvá verzia U-Netu bola pamäťovo veľmi náročná, vyžadovala trénovanie na procesore miesto grafickej karty a neumožňovala spracovanie dát v plnom rozlíšení. Rozšírený U-Net tieto problémy vyriešil načítavaním dát v prekrývajúcich sa skupinách troch snímok. Okrem možnosti trénovania siete na grafickej karte s následným skrátením doby učenia, bola zvýšená aj presnosť pridaním ďalších interkonekcií do vnútornej architektúry siete. Posledná verzia, rekurentný U-Net, sa zameriava na optimalizáciu rozšíreného U-Netu založenej na princípe znovupoužitia existujúcich úrovní siete. To prináša zníženie časovej a hardwarovej náročnosti. Bol znížený počet parametrov siete na menej ako 20%, bez akéhokoľvek zvýšenia tohto počtu v prípade pridania ďalších úrovní. Takáto sieť patrí k jednej z prvých rekurentných sietí použitých na problém 3D segmentácie a poskytuje tak základ pre ďalší výskum. Posledná časť práce sa zameriava na vyhodnotenie výsledkov a porovnanie presnosti, rýchlosti a náročnosti jednotlivých sietí. Porovnávaná je aj presnosť ľudskej a strojovej segmentácie. Rozšírený a rekurentný U-Net dokázali poraziť svojho ľudského oponenta, čím by v prípade reálneho nasadenia mohli ušetriť množstvo lekárskeho času a predísť ľudským chybám. Výsledkom práce je teoretický základ poskytujúci úvod do problematiky konvolučných neurónových sietí a segmentácie, plne funkčné systémy na automatickú 3D segmentáciu a základ pre ďalší výskum v oblasti rekurentných sietí.
This bachelor thesis describes the design and implementation of the system for automatic 3D segmentation of a brain based on convolutional neural networks. The first part is dedicated to a brief history of neural networks and a theoretical description of the functionality of convolutional neural networks. It represents a fast introduction to the problematics and provides theoretical basics needed for the understanding and creation of the system. Individual layers of the neural network and principles of their functionality and mutual relations are also described in this part. The second part of the thesis is about problem analysis, designing of a solution and a comparison between neural networks and other solutions. The result of a magnetic resonance imaging of the head is a series of black-and-white images representing a 3D scan. The task is to tag a brain and to remove unnecessary information in the form of surrounding tissues. The final image of the brain can be utilized in a volumetry or during a diagnostic of neurodegenerative diseases. The advantage of neural networks in comparison with deterministic systems is their flexibility. They allow an adaptation to other segmentation problems just by changing the training dataset, without a need of changes in the architecture. One of the systems performing fully automatic 3D segmentation is called U-Net – its name comes from the similarity of the architecture with the letter U. Three real solutions, the first implementation of U-Net, extended U-Net and recurrent U-Net were presented. The first version of U-Net has been very memory-demanding, it required a training on a processor instead of a graphic card and has not allowed data processing in full resolution. The extended U-Net has resolved these problems by loading data in overlaying series of three images. In addition to the possibility of a training on a graphic card with related decrease in learning time, the accuracy was increased by adding interconnections to the internal architecture of the network. The last version, recurrent U-Net, aims for the optimization of extended U-Net based on the reusage of existing levels. This brings a decrease in a time and resource difficulty. The number of parameters of the network was lowered to less than 20%, without any increase in case of further level addition. This network is one of first recurrent networks used on the problem of 3D segmentation and provides a foundation to further research. The last part focuses on the evaluation of results and the comparison of accuracy, speed and requirements between particular networks. The accuracy of human and machine segmentation is also compared. The extended and recurrent U-Net have surpassed their human opponent, which in real case could save a lot of doctors time and prevent human mistakes. The result of this work is a theoretical basis providing an introduction to the problematics of convolutional neural networks and segmentation, fully working systems for automatic 3D segmentation and the foundation for further research in the field of recurrent networks.
This bachelor thesis describes the design and implementation of the system for automatic 3D segmentation of a brain based on convolutional neural networks. The first part is dedicated to a brief history of neural networks and a theoretical description of the functionality of convolutional neural networks. It represents a fast introduction to the problematics and provides theoretical basics needed for the understanding and creation of the system. Individual layers of the neural network and principles of their functionality and mutual relations are also described in this part. The second part of the thesis is about problem analysis, designing of a solution and a comparison between neural networks and other solutions. The result of a magnetic resonance imaging of the head is a series of black-and-white images representing a 3D scan. The task is to tag a brain and to remove unnecessary information in the form of surrounding tissues. The final image of the brain can be utilized in a volumetry or during a diagnostic of neurodegenerative diseases. The advantage of neural networks in comparison with deterministic systems is their flexibility. They allow an adaptation to other segmentation problems just by changing the training dataset, without a need of changes in the architecture. One of the systems performing fully automatic 3D segmentation is called U-Net – its name comes from the similarity of the architecture with the letter U. Three real solutions, the first implementation of U-Net, extended U-Net and recurrent U-Net were presented. The first version of U-Net has been very memory-demanding, it required a training on a processor instead of a graphic card and has not allowed data processing in full resolution. The extended U-Net has resolved these problems by loading data in overlaying series of three images. In addition to the possibility of a training on a graphic card with related decrease in learning time, the accuracy was increased by adding interconnections to the internal architecture of the network. The last version, recurrent U-Net, aims for the optimization of extended U-Net based on the reusage of existing levels. This brings a decrease in a time and resource difficulty. The number of parameters of the network was lowered to less than 20%, without any increase in case of further level addition. This network is one of first recurrent networks used on the problem of 3D segmentation and provides a foundation to further research. The last part focuses on the evaluation of results and the comparison of accuracy, speed and requirements between particular networks. The accuracy of human and machine segmentation is also compared. The extended and recurrent U-Net have surpassed their human opponent, which in real case could save a lot of doctors time and prevent human mistakes. The result of this work is a theoretical basis providing an introduction to the problematics of convolutional neural networks and segmentation, fully working systems for automatic 3D segmentation and the foundation for further research in the field of recurrent networks.
BAFRNEC, M. Automatická 3D segmentace obrazu mozku [online]. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií. 2018.
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prof. Ing. Zdeněk Smékal, CSc. (předseda)
doc. Ing. Radim Burget, Ph.D. (místopředseda)
Ing. David Kubánek, Ph.D. (člen)
Ing. Pavel Mašek, Ph.D. (člen)
Ing. Tomáš Gerlich (člen)
Ing. Ivan Míča, Ph.D. (člen)
Ing. Jan Karásek, Ph.D. (člen)
Date of acceptance
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