Implementace systému řízení kvality v univerzitních laboratořích

but.committeedoc. Ing. Pavel Charvát, Ph.D. (předseda) doc. Ing. Vítězslav Máša, Ph.D. (místopředseda) doc. Ing. František Lízal, Ph.D. (člen) doc. Ing. Jiří Šremr, Ph.D. (člen) doc. Ing. Vít Jan, Ph.D. (člen)cs
but.defenceThe student presented the thesis and answered the reviewer's questions, after which the committee members asked the following questions. Question 1: What are the main benefits of the QMS implementation? The student provided a very good answer. Question 2: Did you apply some matematical tool in the thesis? The student provided an answer. Question 3: Do you think the Ministry of Education should motivate/force the universities to implement the QMS? The student provided an answer. Question 4: Can you think of some possible incomes coming from the QMS implementation? The student provided an answer. Question 5: Would it be possible to provide training for external organizations regarding the QMS implementation in laboratories? The student provided an answer. Question 6: What are the features of a commercial laboratory that are a good fit for the implementation? The student provided an excellent answer.cs
but.jazykangličtina (English)
but.programMechanical Engineeringcs
but.resultpráce byla úspěšně obhájenacs
dc.contributor.advisorMiklas, Václaven
dc.contributor.authorMahajan, Rohiten
dc.contributor.refereeMáša, Vítězslaven
dc.description.abstractAn organization uses a Quality Management System (QMS) to meet its quality objectives and policies through a set of processes and procedures. Quality Management systems are mainly used in industries to improve product quality and meet customers’ requirements. Implementing a quality management system in the education sector is challenging and less common and measurement of performance is more focused on teaching methods and several publications; also, university test laboratories are used for teaching and research activities. Another reason is educational institutions often face resource constraints, including limited budgets, time, and personnel. This project is about implementing a quality management system in the laboratory of Brno University of Technology. The objective of study is to understand the current situation, identify critical nonconformities, and provide suggestions for their elimination, which will assist the laboratory team in implementing a quality management system. The author conducted an internal audit to assess the current state of the laboratory and identify any gaps. The author used ISO/IEC 17025-2017 standards for analysis of gap. As a result, the author identified laboratory comply with 44% requirements and in 31% areas need to be improvements, such as equipment handling procedures, maintenance plans for equipment, strategies for handling and maintaining missing records, and the absence of implemented sampling methods, internal audit, and management review procedures. The author shared significant findings with the laboratory team and suggested improvements. The author suggested making procedures for handling the equipment, making a maintenance plan, and documenting the sampling method. During the discussion, the author explained the limitations that hindered the effective analysis of the study and the reasons behind them. In the last, the author provided recommendations for future work.en
dc.description.abstractAn organization uses a Quality Management System (QMS) to meet its quality objectives and policies through a set of processes and procedures. Quality Management systems are mainly used in industries to improve product quality and meet customers’ requirements. Implementing a quality management system in the education sector is challenging and less common and measurement of performance is more focused on teaching methods and several publications; also, university test laboratories are used for teaching and research activities. Another reason is educational institutions often face resource constraints, including limited budgets, time, and personnel. This project is about implementing a quality management system in the laboratory of Brno University of Technology. The objective of study is to understand the current situation, identify critical nonconformities, and provide suggestions for their elimination, which will assist the laboratory team in implementing a quality management system. The author conducted an internal audit to assess the current state of the laboratory and identify any gaps. The author used ISO/IEC 17025-2017 standards for analysis of gap. As a result, the author identified laboratory comply with 44% requirements and in 31% areas need to be improvements, such as equipment handling procedures, maintenance plans for equipment, strategies for handling and maintaining missing records, and the absence of implemented sampling methods, internal audit, and management review procedures. The author shared significant findings with the laboratory team and suggested improvements. The author suggested making procedures for handling the equipment, making a maintenance plan, and documenting the sampling method. During the discussion, the author explained the limitations that hindered the effective analysis of the study and the reasons behind them. In the last, the author provided recommendations for future work.cs
dc.identifier.citationMAHAJAN, R. Implementace systému řízení kvality v univerzitních laboratořích [online]. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta strojního inženýrství. 2023.cs
dc.publisherVysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta strojního inženýrstvícs
dc.rightsStandardní licenční smlouva - přístup k plnému textu bez omezenícs
dc.subjectQuality management systemen
dc.subjectISO/IEC 17025:2005 standardsen
dc.subjectTest laboratoryen
dc.subjectInternal Audit.en
dc.subjectQuality management systemcs
dc.subjectISO/IEC 17025:2005 standardscs
dc.subjectTest laboratorycs
dc.subjectInternal Audit.cs
dc.titleImplementace systému řízení kvality v univerzitních laboratoříchen
dc.title.alternativeImplementation of Quality Management System in University Laboratoriescs
dc.type.evskpdiplomová prácecs
eprints.affiliatedInstitution.facultyFakulta strojního inženýrstvícs
sync.item.insts2023.07.17 10:08:34en
sync.item.modts2023.07.17 09:21:53en
thesis.disciplinebez specializacecs
thesis.grantorVysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta strojního inženýrství. Ústav procesního inženýrstvícs
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