Tachymetrické zaměření okolí Hřebenáče
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Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební
Táto bakalárska práca sa zaoberá tvorbou účelovej mapy v katastrálnom území obce Sloup, nachádzajúcej sa na okraji CHKO Moravský kras. V danej lokalite sa nachádza niekoľko vstupov do rozsiahlych jaskynných systémov, časté sú tiež krasové javy - závrty. Predmetom podrobného merania je polohové a výškové určenie terénneho reliéfu v okolí krasového útvaru Hřebenáč, ktoré je každoročne zaplavované povrchovou aj podzemnou vodou. V práci je popísané vybudovanie meračskej siete pomocou statickej metódy GNSS. Samotné zameranie podrobných bodov je prevedené tachymetrickou metódou z jednotlivých stanovísk za pomoci totálnej stanice TOPCON GPT-3003N. Práca by mala slúžiť k aktulalizácii mapových podkladov pre danú oblasť CHKO Moravský kras.
This bachelor thesis is about creating thematical map, especially near village Sloup, situated on the edge of CHKO Moravian karst. There is some entrances into huge cave system and Sink holes, that are characteristic for karst, they could be found very often. The thesis is focused on creation suitable surveying network by GNSS static measuring and levelling. Surveying of individual points was realized by tachymetric method with total station Topcon GPT-3003N. The main object of measurement is surveying the relief near a Hrebenac that is yearly flooded, and some cave entrances that had to be measured too. Work should be used for maps actualization in CHKO Moravian karst.
This bachelor thesis is about creating thematical map, especially near village Sloup, situated on the edge of CHKO Moravian karst. There is some entrances into huge cave system and Sink holes, that are characteristic for karst, they could be found very often. The thesis is focused on creation suitable surveying network by GNSS static measuring and levelling. Surveying of individual points was realized by tachymetric method with total station Topcon GPT-3003N. The main object of measurement is surveying the relief near a Hrebenac that is yearly flooded, and some cave entrances that had to be measured too. Work should be used for maps actualization in CHKO Moravian karst.
SETNICKÝ, V. Tachymetrické zaměření okolí Hřebenáče [online]. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební. 2014.
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Geodézie a kartografie
Date of acceptance
Result of defence
práce byla úspěšně obhájena
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Standardní licenční smlouva - přístup k plnému textu bez omezení