Převod křivky z rastru na vektorovou representaci
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Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta informačních technologií
V mém procesu vektorizace se snažím o převod vstupního šedotónového obrazu na vektorový se snahou o co největší podobnost se vstupním obrazem. Vektorizace se provádí pomocí aproximace křivkou, jenže aproximovat lze pouze liniové prvky, tedy křivky v rastru. Musí se proto ze vstupního obrazu tyto liniové prvky vyextrahovat a to dvojím způsobem, podle dvou skupin objektů v obraze. První skupinou jsou objekty tenké, podlouhlého tvaru, ty se nahradí jejich skeletonem. Druhou skupinou jsou objekty rozsáhlé, ty se nahradí jejich konturou. Nalezené linie se pak rozdělí na takové části, které už půjde snadno aproximovat křivkou. Výsledné křivky se už jen vykreslí do výstupu vhodnou rasterizační metodou.
In my process of tracing I deal with converting an input grayscale image into a vector one trying to keep as big similarity with the input image as possible. Tracing is carried out with the help of curve approximation even if the approximation is possible only with line elements, that is to say the curve in raster. Therefore it is necessary to extract the line elements from the input image. We can do it in two different ways according to two different objects in the image. The first group is represented by thin, ablong objects which are substituted by their skeleton. The second group is represented by large objects which are susbstituted by their contour. The found lines are then divided into such parts which can be easily curve approximated. Resulting curves are then only depicted into the output by suitable raster method.
In my process of tracing I deal with converting an input grayscale image into a vector one trying to keep as big similarity with the input image as possible. Tracing is carried out with the help of curve approximation even if the approximation is possible only with line elements, that is to say the curve in raster. Therefore it is necessary to extract the line elements from the input image. We can do it in two different ways according to two different objects in the image. The first group is represented by thin, ablong objects which are substituted by their skeleton. The second group is represented by large objects which are susbstituted by their contour. The found lines are then divided into such parts which can be easily curve approximated. Resulting curves are then only depicted into the output by suitable raster method.
KRÁL, J. Převod křivky z rastru na vektorovou representaci [online]. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta informačních technologií. .
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Informační technologie
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Standardní licenční smlouva - přístup k plnému textu bez omezení