Etiketovacie lepidlá so zvýšenou odolnosťou voči vlhkosti
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Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta chemická
Hlavným zámerom práce bolo skúmanie hydrofóbnosti etiketovacích lepidiel v stave pred vysušením, to znamená odolnosti voči kondenzovanej vlhkosti. Problematika bola riešená meraním kontaktných uhlov medzi kvapkou destilovanej vody a podložkou s naneseným lepidlom. Pre komplexnú charakterizáciu vlastností bola meraná tiež dynamická viskozita a adhézna pevnosť mokrých lepidiel. Porovnávané boli jednozložkové lepidlá na báze akrylátových kopolymérov alkalizované rôznymi činidlami. Zisťovaný bol i vplyv škrobov a priemyselných aditív na základné analýzy fyzikálno-chemických parametrov. Účelom procesov meraní bolo nájdenie receptúry lepidla so zvýšenou rezistenciou voči vzdušnej vlhkosti, s požadovanými vyváženými parametrami. V závere boli vybrané vzorky testované v klimatickej komore so zabezpečenými podmienkami orosovania.
The main topic of the thesis was to examine the hydrophobicity of labeling adhesives in the state before drying, it means their resistance against condensated moisture. The problem was solved by measuremensts of contact angle between the drop of water and glue. Measurements of dynamic viscosity and wet tack were also performed for the sake of complex characterization of the glue properties. Comparison of properties among single-component adhesives based on the acrylic copolymers alkalised with various agents was made. The impact of starches and industrial additives on glues was determined by the analysis of primary physical and chemical parameters. The purpose of the measurements was to develop a formula of the glue with enhanced atmospheric moisture resistance, that also would have the required parameters in the equilibrium. Finally, some selected glue samples were practically tested for condensation water resistance. These tests were performed in a climatic chamber with water condensating conditions.
The main topic of the thesis was to examine the hydrophobicity of labeling adhesives in the state before drying, it means their resistance against condensated moisture. The problem was solved by measuremensts of contact angle between the drop of water and glue. Measurements of dynamic viscosity and wet tack were also performed for the sake of complex characterization of the glue properties. Comparison of properties among single-component adhesives based on the acrylic copolymers alkalised with various agents was made. The impact of starches and industrial additives on glues was determined by the analysis of primary physical and chemical parameters. The purpose of the measurements was to develop a formula of the glue with enhanced atmospheric moisture resistance, that also would have the required parameters in the equilibrium. Finally, some selected glue samples were practically tested for condensation water resistance. These tests were performed in a climatic chamber with water condensating conditions.
KOTRLOVÁ, J. Etiketovacie lepidlá so zvýšenou odolnosťou voči vlhkosti [online]. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta chemická. 2013.
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Spotřební chemie
prof. Ing. Miloslav Pekař, CSc. (předseda)
prof. Ing. Michal Čeppan, CSc. (místopředseda)
doc. Ing. Irena Kratochvílová, Ph.D. (člen)
doc. Ing. Marián Lehocký, Ph.D. (člen)
prof. Ing. Michal Veselý, CSc. (člen)
prof. Ing. Oldřich Zmeškal, CSc. (člen)
doc. Ing. Květoslav Růžička, CSc. (člen)
Date of acceptance
Pekař – rozpustnost lepidel, odolnost vůči vlhkosti
postup při etiketování
Lehocký - je žádoucí, aby lepidlo mělo dlouhou životnost
odolnost lepidel vůči vlhkosti, vztah k viskozitě
kinematická viskozita
Result of defence
práce byla úspěšně obhájena
Document licence
Standardní licenční smlouva - přístup k plnému textu bez omezení