The Care Community

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Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta architektury
The aging population along with the growing demographic of urban settlements is one of the main challenges cities face, all over the world. As the elderly population is expected to increase significantly in the years to come, cities, which for most parts are designed and structured with the younger and working-age groups in mind, will have to address and adapt to challenges that follow this transition. Care for the elderly is divided into medical and social care domains. While now, most facilities aimed at this age group focus on the medical point of view, the social needs of this demographic are prominently not taken into account. As a result, senior citizens today, struggle with social exclusion and isolation which have been proven to cause serious health impairments. In addition, separating and relocating the elderly to senior facilities is usually not preferred among this age group and their families. Through understanding and analyzing this demographic, its demands, and challenges, this project aimed towards developing an urban strategy by creating different “care typologies” throughout the city of Brno, so that, by implementing these suggested typologies, the city as a whole will provide care for the elderly as a community rather than dis-placing this rising and fragile age-group to institutional care. These typologies were first determined by dividing the city of Brno into three main parts by considering certain parameters as influencing factors. Then, the different space programs were derived and structured through research and in-person interviews with two of the senior facilities in Brno. As a result, three main care typologies were introduced, namely, the care housing, the day care center, and the care community center. Lastly, locations were analyzed and selected for each typology as examples in the typologies’ individual urban regions. The care housing and the day care center typologies were then developed further into detailed architectural design.
The aging population along with the growing demographic of urban settlements is one of the main challenges cities face, all over the world. As the elderly population is expected to increase significantly in the years to come, cities, which for most parts are designed and structured with the younger and working-age groups in mind, will have to address and adapt to challenges that follow this transition. Care for the elderly is divided into medical and social care domains. While now, most facilities aimed at this age group focus on the medical point of view, the social needs of this demographic are prominently not taken into account. As a result, senior citizens today, struggle with social exclusion and isolation which have been proven to cause serious health impairments. In addition, separating and relocating the elderly to senior facilities is usually not preferred among this age group and their families. Through understanding and analyzing this demographic, its demands, and challenges, this project aimed towards developing an urban strategy by creating different “care typologies” throughout the city of Brno, so that, by implementing these suggested typologies, the city as a whole will provide care for the elderly as a community rather than dis-placing this rising and fragile age-group to institutional care. These typologies were first determined by dividing the city of Brno into three main parts by considering certain parameters as influencing factors. Then, the different space programs were derived and structured through research and in-person interviews with two of the senior facilities in Brno. As a result, three main care typologies were introduced, namely, the care housing, the day care center, and the care community center. Lastly, locations were analyzed and selected for each typology as examples in the typologies’ individual urban regions. The care housing and the day care center typologies were then developed further into detailed architectural design.
NASROLLAHZADEH SARAVI, Y. The Care Community [online]. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta architektury. 2022.
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doc. Ing. arch. Maxmilian Wittmann, Ph.D. (předseda) Ing. arch. Radek Suchánek, Ph.D. (člen) Ing. arch. Jan Foretník, Ph.D. (člen) Ing. arch. Daniel Struhařík (člen) Ing. Zdeněk Vejpustek, Ph.D. (člen)
Date of acceptance
The student starts with her presentation, explaining the idea of her project focusing of the elderly in the future and connection between the elderly ant others in the society. The student introduces the research in the care facility of the elderly in Brno, demography and user analysis, shows the case studies, mentions different types of the care facilities, shows the maps of Brno infrastructure. The chairman stops the presentation and ask the student to present the technical and architectonic part of the project. She shows the project location and site analysis, design conception according to different type of housing. The reviews were read and the student reacts to the questions in the review and explains that the strategy was the main goal and explained she focused more on the strategy and how it works on the architectonical side, shows the model of the type of facility. The chairman asks aditional questions - did she studied any strategical document of Brno? The members ask other questions about the logical and technical issues, points that the technological aspects are missing. The student replies that the technological aspects were not part of the thesis assignment. The student presented a thorough analysis of theoretical solutions, which she succesfully transformed into principles of design. The implementation of the principles in the specific conditions of consideration legislation appeals to be problematic. Considering the assignement, it can be stated that the basic challenge (formulation of design principles and emphasis on analysis) was fulfilled. The design and constructional details of the proposal were not assessed by the commitee in relation to the assignment.
Result of defence
práce byla úspěšně obhájena
Document licence
Standardní licenční smlouva - přístup k plnému textu bez omezení
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