Rozklad alkaloidů pomocí elektrických výbojů v kapalinách
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Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta chemická
Plazmochemické procesy sú jednou z metód, ktoré sa využívajú na čistenie odpadových vôd. Odpadové a úžitkové vody z domácností obsahujú mnoho organických látok, ktoré musia byť odstránené, aby mohla byť voda znovu použitá v domácnostiach alebo priemysle. Cieľom diplomovej práce jerozklad alkaloi¬dov počas plazmového procesu. Teoretická časť je preto zameraná na generáciu elektric¬kého výboja v kva¬palinách a charakteristiku vybraných alka¬loidov. V práci je sledovaný rozklad kofeínu a chinínu v elektrickom výboji, ktorý je genero¬vaný v diafragmovej konfigurácii. Experimenty boli uskutočňované vo vsádzkovom reaktore, ktorý je rozdelený do dvoch častí prostredníctvom diafragmy vyrobenej z keramického mate¬riálu ShapalTM-M (hrúbka 3,0 mm, priemer otvoru 1,0 mm). Boli použité elektródy z nerezo¬vej ocele s rozmerom 5×12 cm. Priemerný elektrický výkon bol nastavený na hodnotu 135 W a doba každého experimentu bola 60 minút. Roztoky kofeínu (celkový objem 4 l) boli pripra¬vené v koncentráciách 10, 25 a 50 ppm a roztoky chinínu v koncentráciách 5, 10 a 15 ppm. Počia¬točná vodivosť roztokov bola upravená pomocou chloridu sodného na tri rôzne hod¬noty – 400, 750 a 1000 µS•cm-1. Experimentálna časť pozostáva taktiež z využitia analytických metód, ktoré boli potrebné na kvantifikáciu pozorovaných látok. Peroxid vodíka produkovaný počas elektrického výboja je stanovený kolorimetrickou metódou, ktorá je založená na tvorbe žlto sfarbeného komplexu z peroxidu vodíka a titánového činidla. Koncentrácia kofeínu bola určená UV spektrometriou pri vlnovej dĺžke 273 nm a následne bola uskutočnená analýza HPLC/MS. Degradácia chi¬nínu bola analyzovaná pomocou UV-VIS spektrometrie a fluorescenčných meraní. Generácia plazmy vo vodných roztokoch zapríčiňuje vznik hydroxylového radikálu, pero¬xidu vodíka, kyslíka, vodíka a iných reaktívnych častíc. Peroxid vodíka, ktorý vzniká v plaz¬me, je následne spotrebovaný na degradáciu organických látok v roztoku. To je vysvet¬lením nameranej nižšej koncentrácieH2O2v roztoku s kofeínom a chinínom ako v roztoku bez prí¬davku alkaloidov. Avšak rozdiel nastáva medzi rozkladom v katódovej a anódovej časti reak¬tora. V katódovej časti je na rozklad využité iba zanedbateľné množstvo H2O2. V anódovej časti dochádza k značnej degradácii kofeínu, chinínu a zníženiu koncentrácie H2O2.
Plasmachemical processes are one of the methods used for wastewater treatment. Sewage and household wastewaters include a variety of organic substances that must be removed to reuse water in industry or households. The aim of this diploma thesisisthe observation of alkaloids decomposition by plasma chemical process. The theoretical part is focused on plasma generation in liquids and characterization of selected alkaloids. The decomposition of caffeine and quinine in direct current electrical discharge in liquid with diaphragm configuration is investigated in this work. The experiments were carried out in a batch reactor divided into two parts by a diaphragm made from ceramic material ShapalTM-M (thickness 3.0 mm, pin-hole diameter 1.0 mm). The stainless steel electrodes of 5×12 cm size were used. The mean electric power was set to 135 W for an operation time of 60 minutes in each experiment. Caffeine solutions (total volume of 4 L) were prepared in concentrations of 10, 25 and 50 ppm, quinine solutions in concentrations of 5, 10 and 15 ppm. The initial conductivity was adjusted by sodium chloride at three different values – 400, 750 or 1000 µS•cm-1. The experimental part consisted also of using analytical methods necessary for compound quantification. Hydrogen peroxide formation during the electrical discharge was determined by colorimetric method based on generation of yellow complex with titanium(IV) sulfate reagent. The caffeine concentration was measured by UV spectrometric method at wavelength 273 nmand thenHPLC/MS analysis was performed. Quinine degradation was monitored by UV-VIS spectrometry and fluorescent measurements. The plasma generation in water solutions induces formation of hydroxyl radical, hydrogen peroxide, oxygen, hydrogen and other reactive species. Hydrogen peroxide is produced and then utilized in degradation of organic compounds and thus lower concentration of H2O2was measured in solution with caffeine and quinine than in solution without alkaloids. However, the situation is different between cathode chamber and anode chamber. There is only negligible amount of H2O2used on degradation in cathode chamber. In contrary, the considerable degradation of caffeine and quinine and diminished concentration of H2O2 was observed in anode chamber.
Plasmachemical processes are one of the methods used for wastewater treatment. Sewage and household wastewaters include a variety of organic substances that must be removed to reuse water in industry or households. The aim of this diploma thesisisthe observation of alkaloids decomposition by plasma chemical process. The theoretical part is focused on plasma generation in liquids and characterization of selected alkaloids. The decomposition of caffeine and quinine in direct current electrical discharge in liquid with diaphragm configuration is investigated in this work. The experiments were carried out in a batch reactor divided into two parts by a diaphragm made from ceramic material ShapalTM-M (thickness 3.0 mm, pin-hole diameter 1.0 mm). The stainless steel electrodes of 5×12 cm size were used. The mean electric power was set to 135 W for an operation time of 60 minutes in each experiment. Caffeine solutions (total volume of 4 L) were prepared in concentrations of 10, 25 and 50 ppm, quinine solutions in concentrations of 5, 10 and 15 ppm. The initial conductivity was adjusted by sodium chloride at three different values – 400, 750 or 1000 µS•cm-1. The experimental part consisted also of using analytical methods necessary for compound quantification. Hydrogen peroxide formation during the electrical discharge was determined by colorimetric method based on generation of yellow complex with titanium(IV) sulfate reagent. The caffeine concentration was measured by UV spectrometric method at wavelength 273 nmand thenHPLC/MS analysis was performed. Quinine degradation was monitored by UV-VIS spectrometry and fluorescent measurements. The plasma generation in water solutions induces formation of hydroxyl radical, hydrogen peroxide, oxygen, hydrogen and other reactive species. Hydrogen peroxide is produced and then utilized in degradation of organic compounds and thus lower concentration of H2O2was measured in solution with caffeine and quinine than in solution without alkaloids. However, the situation is different between cathode chamber and anode chamber. There is only negligible amount of H2O2used on degradation in cathode chamber. In contrary, the considerable degradation of caffeine and quinine and diminished concentration of H2O2 was observed in anode chamber.
JONISOVÁ, L. Rozklad alkaloidů pomocí elektrických výbojů v kapalinách [online]. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta chemická. 2015.
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Document version
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Study field
Spotřební chemie
prof. Ing. Miloslav Pekař, CSc. (předseda)
prof. Ing. Michal Čeppan, CSc. (místopředseda)
doc. Ing. Irena Kratochvílová, Ph.D. (člen)
doc. Ing. Marián Lehocký, Ph.D. (člen)
prof. Ing. Michal Veselý, CSc. (člen)
prof. Ing. Oldřich Zmeškal, CSc. (člen)
doc. Ing. Karel Friess, Ph.D. (člen)
Date of acceptance
Čeppan – proč byl zkoumán vliv kofeinu a chininu v odpadních vodách
Friess – konstrukce cely, plocha otvoru
Veselý – rozklad alkaloidů, správnost reakčních rovnic
- vyhodnocení hmotnostních spekter, chromatogramů
Result of defence
práce byla úspěšně obhájena
Document licence
Standardní licenční smlouva - přístup k plnému textu bez omezení