Obnova a nové využití Svatotomášského dvora v Brně
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Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební
Areál Svätotomášskeho dvora po jeho obnove vytvára miesto pre spoločensko-kultúrne a športové aktivity. Objekt je príkladným zlúčením modernej technológie a historických prvkov z dôrazom na ich tradičné remeselné zhotovenie. Duch miesta má návštevníka pozastaviť sa nad precíznou prácou našich predkov v kontraste so zakomponovanou modernou architektúrou. Areál dopĺňajú prvky drobnej architektúry (altán, fontána ..) s podtextom a spomienkou na kone, ktoré pre nové funkčné využitie museli byť premiestnené. Jedná sa o rekonštrukciu a revitalizáciu štyroch historických objektov. Z hľadiska konštrukčného sa jedná o jedno až dvojpodlažné objekty založené na betónových základových pásoch s nosnými stenami murovanými z tehly plnej pálenej o celkovej hrúbke 0,3-0,85m a so zastrešením z dreveného krovu ležatej stolice zakrytej pálenou škridľou. V objektoch sú stropy riešené z polospáliteľného trámového stropu. V rámci rekonštrukcie bude zachovaná prevažná časť nosných konštrukcií.
The complex of „Svatotomassky dvor“ creates after its reconstruction a place for social, cultural and sport activities.This object is an exemplary joinder of modern technologies and historical elements with the emphasis on its own traditional handcrafted construstion. The spirit of this place leads a visitor to demur to precise work of our antcestors in the contrast with composed modern architecture. The complex is complemented by components of fine architecture (such as pavillon, fountain, …) with undertone and memory of horses which had to be replaced because of new functional utilization. It deals with reconstruction and revitalization of four historical objects. From the constructional point of view it deals with one and two-storeyed objects based on concrete fundaments with bearing walls bricked up from building brick that is fully burnt about total thickness 0,3-0,85m and with wooden roof construction. The roof is covered by burnt tile roofing. The top walls in objects are made of semi-burnt wooden joist construction. Within the frame of reconstruction, predominant part of framework will be preserved.
The complex of „Svatotomassky dvor“ creates after its reconstruction a place for social, cultural and sport activities.This object is an exemplary joinder of modern technologies and historical elements with the emphasis on its own traditional handcrafted construstion. The spirit of this place leads a visitor to demur to precise work of our antcestors in the contrast with composed modern architecture. The complex is complemented by components of fine architecture (such as pavillon, fountain, …) with undertone and memory of horses which had to be replaced because of new functional utilization. It deals with reconstruction and revitalization of four historical objects. From the constructional point of view it deals with one and two-storeyed objects based on concrete fundaments with bearing walls bricked up from building brick that is fully burnt about total thickness 0,3-0,85m and with wooden roof construction. The roof is covered by burnt tile roofing. The top walls in objects are made of semi-burnt wooden joist construction. Within the frame of reconstruction, predominant part of framework will be preserved.
REHÁK, M. Obnova a nové využití Svatotomášského dvora v Brně [online]. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební. 2012.
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Architektura pozemních staveb
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práce byla úspěšně obhájena
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Standardní licenční smlouva - přístup k plnému textu bez omezení