Business Plan Proposal for a Company
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Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta podnikatelská
Předmětem této práce je vytvoření návrhu podnikatelského záměru rozvoje společnosti zaměřené na recyklaci pneumatik a jejich zpracování na drť, ze které se tvoří materiály pro stavbu nových silnic a další produkty. Teoretická část obsahuje literární rešerši k problematice strategického plánování a jeho vztahu k výrobní strategii podniku, dále specifika řízení malých rodinných podniků a B2B tržní orientace. V analytické části jsou použity vybrané analyticko-výzkumné metody s cílem identifikace klíčových faktorů v kontextu firemního prostředí, posouzení současného stavu a identifikace interních a externích faktorů. S využitím marketingového mixu, PESTLE, Porter's Five Forces Framework, SWOT bylo stanoveno, jakým směrem by se měla společnost ubírat. Poslední část obsahuje výstupy této práce, je vytvořen podnikatelský plán a některé budoucí kroky jsou lépe vidět.
The subject of this work is to create a business plan proposal for development of a company focused on recycling tires and making them into crumbs which are used to create materials for building new roads and other products. The theoretical section includes a literature review on the problem of strategic planning and its relationship with production business strategy, as well as specifics of small family business management and B2B market orientation. In the analytical section, selected analytical-research methods are used with the goal of identifying key factors in the context of the company environment, assessing the current state, and identifying internal and external factors. With the use of Marketing mix, PESTLE, Porter's Five Forces Framework, SWOT, it was determined what are the directions that the company should be heading. The last part contains outcomes of this work is a business plan created and some of the future steps are better to see.
The subject of this work is to create a business plan proposal for development of a company focused on recycling tires and making them into crumbs which are used to create materials for building new roads and other products. The theoretical section includes a literature review on the problem of strategic planning and its relationship with production business strategy, as well as specifics of small family business management and B2B market orientation. In the analytical section, selected analytical-research methods are used with the goal of identifying key factors in the context of the company environment, assessing the current state, and identifying internal and external factors. With the use of Marketing mix, PESTLE, Porter's Five Forces Framework, SWOT, it was determined what are the directions that the company should be heading. The last part contains outcomes of this work is a business plan created and some of the future steps are better to see.
HOLICKÝ, F. Business Plan Proposal for a Company [online]. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta podnikatelská. 2022.
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Document version
Date of access to the full text
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Study field
Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development
doc. Ing. Robert Zich, Ph.D. (předseda)
doc. Ing. Zdeňka Konečná, Ph.D. (místopředseda)
Ing. Veronika Bumberová, Ph.D. (člen)
Ing. David Schüller, Ph.D. (člen)
Ing. et Ing. Pavel Juřica, Ph.D. (člen)
Date of acceptance
Reviewer´s questions - partially answered.
Supervisor´s questions - answered.
Ing. Veronika Bumberová, Ph.D. - You mention in your thesis "No existence of sales team". What about the potential of implementation sales team? What is the potential profit of implementation sales team? Partially answered.
Where are data to support your recomendation? Partially answered.
What is the output of SWOT analysis? I miss that. Partially answered.
Ing. David Schüller, Ph.D. - On the picture with 3 competitors you mentioned one unnamed. Why did you do that? It is competitor, nothing confidential. Answered.
Talking about size of each company. How did you create the size of the circle, what was the metric? Answered.
Result of defence
práce byla úspěšně obhájena
Document licence
Standardní licenční smlouva - přístup k plnému textu bez omezení