Stavba v krajině - Winery
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Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta architektury
Zadaním diplomovej práce je návrh vinárskeho hospodárstva , s možnosťou ubytovania . Ciežom je vytvoriť komplexný urbanisticko - architektonický projekt riešeného územia, ktorý je založený na využití miestnych zdrojov pre podporu agroturistiky, ekonomického a sociálneho rozvoja regiónu Južná Morava. Vinársky areál je situovaný na okraji obce Strachotín , ktorá je súčasťou lokality Novomlýnskych nádrží. Urbanistický koncept má zatraktívniť danú lokalitu žuďom, nielen z blízkeho okolia, ale aj pre medzinárodnú klientelu, čoho predpokladom je blízkosť k Rakúskym, Slovenským hraniciam a dobrá napojitežnosť lokality na diažnicu D2. Dôležitým bolo vytvoriť sprievodnú funkciu_WELLNESS, ktorá dopĺňa chýbajúce ubytovacie kapacity v území a ponúka služby, ktoré sa v okolí nevyskytujú. Predpokladom pre okamžité uchytenie danej koncepcie v krajine je taktiež existencia viacerých turistických, cyklistických vinných trás, ktoré prechádzajú riešeným územím. Pozitívom je bezprostredná blízkosť vody, ktorú som využila nielen z hžadiska ekologicko - energetického konceptu, ale taktiež na rekreačné, relaxačné účely. Základom projektu je integrácia nových technológií s vinárskou výrobou, architektúrou, urbanizmom za ciežom vytvorenia zariadenia, fungujúceho pomocou minimálnej spotreby energie a minimálnej záťaže na prírodu. Z prevádzkového hžadiska som separovala fungovanie oboch riešených budov –WELLNESSU- nachádzajúceho sa v spodnej časti pozemku, s prístupovou komunikáciou ulicou Sklepní a s previazaním s vodnou plochou prostredníctvom móla a –WINERY– s prístupovou komunikáciou z hora po existujúcej požnej ceste, s možnosťou prístupu priamo k vinárstvu prostredníctvom 3m širkého pojazdného chodníka. Stavby sú vzájomne prepojené náučnou vinohradníckou trasou. Vizuálne je projekt postavený na využití vykopanej zeminy, sformovanej do zemných valov, ktoré majú symbolizovať „objem vystupujúci zo zeme“ s metaforickým významom prepojenia s prírodou. Urbanistické a architektonické riešenie je v súlade s rázom krajiny – rešpektuje terénne danosti, využíva slnečnú energiu, z toho vyplýva aj prírodné materiálové riešenie, ktoré je navrhnuté vo svojej surovej podobe.
Assignment of the master's thesis is, to design winery, with possibility of accommodation. The aim, is to create a comprehensive urban - architectural project of area, which is based on the use of local resources to support rural, economic and social development in the region of South Moravia. The area is situated on the outskirts of the village Strachotín, which is part of the site Novomlýnska nádrž. The urban concept should attract people, not just domestic, but also international clients, because of the proximity to Austria, Slovakia borders, and because of a good connection to the highway D2. Important was, to create a supporting function_WELLNESS, which complements the lack of capacity of the accommodation and offers services that are not around. A prerequisite, for immediate gripping the concept in the country, is also the existence of several hiking, biking, wine routes which pass through the area. The good thing is a close proximity to water, which I use in eco - energy concept, but also for recreation, relaxation purposes. The core project is the integration of new technologies in wine production, architecture, town planning, to create facilities, operating with minimum power consumption and minimal burden on nature. From the operational point of view, I separated the two ongoing operation of buildings-WELLNESS-located at the bottom of the plot, with access from Sklepní street, and linked with water. -WINERY- with accessing comunication from the existing path, with the possibility to access directly to winery by 3m wide drivable pavement and with beautiful views . Buildings are connected with educational wine route. Visually, the project is built on the use of excavated soil, formed in the mounds, which should symbolize "volumes exserted from the ground" with the metaphorical meaning of interface with nature. Urban and architectural design is in a harmony with the country - respects terrain conditions, using solar energy, and natural material solution that is designed in its crude form.
Assignment of the master's thesis is, to design winery, with possibility of accommodation. The aim, is to create a comprehensive urban - architectural project of area, which is based on the use of local resources to support rural, economic and social development in the region of South Moravia. The area is situated on the outskirts of the village Strachotín, which is part of the site Novomlýnska nádrž. The urban concept should attract people, not just domestic, but also international clients, because of the proximity to Austria, Slovakia borders, and because of a good connection to the highway D2. Important was, to create a supporting function_WELLNESS, which complements the lack of capacity of the accommodation and offers services that are not around. A prerequisite, for immediate gripping the concept in the country, is also the existence of several hiking, biking, wine routes which pass through the area. The good thing is a close proximity to water, which I use in eco - energy concept, but also for recreation, relaxation purposes. The core project is the integration of new technologies in wine production, architecture, town planning, to create facilities, operating with minimum power consumption and minimal burden on nature. From the operational point of view, I separated the two ongoing operation of buildings-WELLNESS-located at the bottom of the plot, with access from Sklepní street, and linked with water. -WINERY- with accessing comunication from the existing path, with the possibility to access directly to winery by 3m wide drivable pavement and with beautiful views . Buildings are connected with educational wine route. Visually, the project is built on the use of excavated soil, formed in the mounds, which should symbolize "volumes exserted from the ground" with the metaphorical meaning of interface with nature. Urban and architectural design is in a harmony with the country - respects terrain conditions, using solar energy, and natural material solution that is designed in its crude form.
KRAJČÍROVÁ, B. Stavba v krajině - Winery [online]. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta architektury. 2009.
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Document version
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Study field
doc. Ing. arch. Alena Mansfeldová, CSc. (předseda)
prof. Ing. arch. Jan Koutný, CSc. (člen)
Ing. arch. Vítězslav Nový (člen)
doc. Ing. Monika Petříčková, Ph.D. (člen)
Ing. arch. Eugen Točík (člen)
Date of acceptance
Result of defence
práce byla úspěšně obhájena
Document licence
Standardní licenční smlouva - přístup k plnému textu bez omezení