Náhodné instalace
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Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta výtvarných umění
Pokousim se vyuzit vsechny moznosti, ktere mi dava sklo-tabulové sklo. Jake jsou moznosti skla, kdyz je napriklad sklenena tabule veliká 200 x 300 centimetru, kolik je potreba materialu, aby se tabule unesla, aby vydrzela pusobeni vnejsiho faktoru? Kolik lidí v určitém case stabilizuje tak velke sklenene tabule? Jak působí barevné sklo v opustenem prostoru fabriky? Jak reaguje na svetlo a na ostatni danosti, moznosti a nemoznosti? Z mnoha variant si vybiram to co je nejvhodnější a pro mne v dane situaci nejlepší. Kresebné moznosti zvoleným způsobem se mně zdály být nekonečné, ale vlastnosti skla jsou klicovým momentem v mých současných pracích. Při objevování pro mne nových moznosti skla vytvářím prostorové instalace, ktere mohou byt nahodné, reagující na konkrétní možnosti prostoru a vlastnosti samotného skla, které tak vytváří určitou interaktivační, proměnlivou schrumáž, kterou se snažím pro sebe oběvovat a zkoumat. Proto název "náhodná instalace“
The endless possibilies of glass are inspiring. It has the ability to not only reflect, but its unbelievably sharp and crisp potential to shape and define a room from bare abandonment to pure visionare of endless value.Some of the topics and themes I seek to define and discuss through my work are as follows: What is the ability of a mere (2m x 3x) piece of glass to transform and affect the human experience? How much does its shape and placement interact with elements of the technical space, with the footprints that shape its surroundings? How does the tampering with said glass (for example, discoloration and lighting) react and influence an otherwise abandoned and unnoticed factory setting? What areits technical abilities and limitations? My conclusive research and experimentation through my thesis has led me to show the durability and strength of an otherwise breakable medium. My work has exposed the pressures and challenges that affect the dimensions in which glass can be found, from three specific angles. Not only has the quality of glass been put to the test, but its lifespan as a whole in a variety of difficult circumstances. Through this exporative installation of glass and its role of interaction, my primary goal is to analyze and expose the quality of the material. The otherwise ephemeral nature of glass as a barrier or as a second-rate mirror can be seemingly eternalized for an effective moment in time. This exploration will transform my process into afinal product, thus organizing the accidental chaos of its very specific potential.
The endless possibilies of glass are inspiring. It has the ability to not only reflect, but its unbelievably sharp and crisp potential to shape and define a room from bare abandonment to pure visionare of endless value.Some of the topics and themes I seek to define and discuss through my work are as follows: What is the ability of a mere (2m x 3x) piece of glass to transform and affect the human experience? How much does its shape and placement interact with elements of the technical space, with the footprints that shape its surroundings? How does the tampering with said glass (for example, discoloration and lighting) react and influence an otherwise abandoned and unnoticed factory setting? What areits technical abilities and limitations? My conclusive research and experimentation through my thesis has led me to show the durability and strength of an otherwise breakable medium. My work has exposed the pressures and challenges that affect the dimensions in which glass can be found, from three specific angles. Not only has the quality of glass been put to the test, but its lifespan as a whole in a variety of difficult circumstances. Through this exporative installation of glass and its role of interaction, my primary goal is to analyze and expose the quality of the material. The otherwise ephemeral nature of glass as a barrier or as a second-rate mirror can be seemingly eternalized for an effective moment in time. This exploration will transform my process into afinal product, thus organizing the accidental chaos of its very specific potential.
ULJAREVIC, B. Náhodné instalace [online]. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta výtvarných umění. .
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Výtvarné umění - sochařství - volná tvorba
MgA. Vasil Artamonov (předseda) doc. Mgr. Art. Svätopluk Mikyta (člen) doc. MgA. Luděk Rathouský (člen) prof. MgA. Petr Kvíčala (člen) doc. MgA. Milan Houser (člen) prof. akad. soch. Michal Gabriel (člen) prof. akad. soch. Jan Ambrůz (člen) MgA. Matěj Smetana, Ph.D. (člen) PhDr. Pavel Ondračka (člen)
Date of acceptance
Result of defence
práce byla úspěšně obhájena
Document licence
Standardní licenční smlouva - přístup k plnému textu bez omezení