Bratislava a Prešpurk, profanní sacrum
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Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta architektury
Predmetom diplomovej práce bolo ideologické spracovanie architektonickej štúdie objektu profánneho sacra-civiléno chrámu. Návrh nadväzuje na spracovanú urbanistickú koncepciu rekultivácie podhradia - územia historickej Vydrice a jeho okolia. Objekt je koncepčným prevedením termínu profánneho sacra do architektonickej formalizácie. Hlavná ideológia spočíva v transformovaní termínu profánneho sacra na objekt ktorý v sebe ukrýva troch duchov - ducha miesta, ducha mysle a ducha srdca. Tak vznikne umelecký komplex na historickej podstave ťažiska Bratislavských dejin. Ducha miesta reprezentuje historická formalizácia podstavy objektu ktorá odkazuje na zaniknuté Rybné námestie, ducha mysle reprezentuje komplex 3 objektov sebarozvoja: auditória, galérie a knižnice, a posledný objekt ktorý reprezentuje ducha srdca je prevedený do objektu komunitného centra. Celková ideológia spočíva vo vytvorení miesta ktoré bude každodenne prístupné a bude slúžit na budovanie nášho vnútorého ducha. Na to aby sme sa vnútorne vyvíjali a stali lepším človekom. To znamená miesto na vnímanie, miesto pre sebarozvoj, miesto na pomoc jeden druhému, miesto na zdieľanie. Miesto kde sa naučím hrať na husle a v ďalšej fáze usporiadam koncert v auditóriu pre komunitu až na fázu kedy budem učiť daľej ostatných. Miesto, kde sa naučím variť a potom svoje výrobky predávam na trhu. Miesto pre pomoc jeden druhému. Lepšie miesto pre jednotlivca, lepšie miesto pre komunitu, lepšie miesto pre Bratislavu.
The subject of the diploma thesis was the ideological elaboration of the architectural study of the building of the civilo temple. The proposal follows the elaborated urban concept of reclamation of the sub-castle - the territory of the historical Vydrica area and its surroundings. The building is a conceptual translation of the term profane sacrum into an architectural formalization. The main ideology consists in transforming the term profan sacrum into an object that incorporates three spirits - the spirit of the place, the spirit of the mind and the spirit of the heart. Thus, an artistic complex will be created on the historical basis of the center of gravity of Bratislava history. The spirit of the place is represented by the historical formalization of the base of the building which refers to the defunct Fish Square, the spirit of the mind represents a complex of 3 objects of self-development: object of performing arts, gallery and temple- library, and the last object which represents the spirit of the heart is transferred to the community center building. The overall ideology is to create a place that will be accessible every day and will serve to build our inner spirit. To develop internally and become a better person. A place to perceive, a place to develop oneself, a place to help each other, a place to share. A place where I will learn to play the violin and in the next phase I will organize a concert in the auditorium for the community until the phase where I will teach others. A place where I learn to cook and then sell my products on the market. A place to help each other. Better place for individuals, better place for community, better place for Bratislava.
The subject of the diploma thesis was the ideological elaboration of the architectural study of the building of the civilo temple. The proposal follows the elaborated urban concept of reclamation of the sub-castle - the territory of the historical Vydrica area and its surroundings. The building is a conceptual translation of the term profane sacrum into an architectural formalization. The main ideology consists in transforming the term profan sacrum into an object that incorporates three spirits - the spirit of the place, the spirit of the mind and the spirit of the heart. Thus, an artistic complex will be created on the historical basis of the center of gravity of Bratislava history. The spirit of the place is represented by the historical formalization of the base of the building which refers to the defunct Fish Square, the spirit of the mind represents a complex of 3 objects of self-development: object of performing arts, gallery and temple- library, and the last object which represents the spirit of the heart is transferred to the community center building. The overall ideology is to create a place that will be accessible every day and will serve to build our inner spirit. To develop internally and become a better person. A place to perceive, a place to develop oneself, a place to help each other, a place to share. A place where I will learn to play the violin and in the next phase I will organize a concert in the auditorium for the community until the phase where I will teach others. A place where I learn to cook and then sell my products on the market. A place to help each other. Better place for individuals, better place for community, better place for Bratislava.
BAŽÍKOVÁ, M. Bratislava a Prešpurk, profanní sacrum [online]. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta architektury. .
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Ing. arch. Osamu Okamura (předseda)
Ing. arch. Ondřej Chybík (člen)
mgr inź. arch Szymon Rozwalka (člen)
Ing. arch. Hana Maršíková (člen)
Ing. Petr Suchánek, Ph.D. (člen)
Date of acceptance
– Studentka představila zadání DP a vlastní práci od analýz, problémů, stanovení cílů až k vlastnímu řešení na úrovni masterplan (urbanist. řešení) a samotný objekt.
– Byly přečteny posudky vedoucího a oponenta, následně proběhla diskuze, během které studentka pohotově reagovala na dotazy oponenta. V následné diskuzi studentka zodpovídala na dotazy poroty.
Result of defence
práce byla úspěšně obhájena
Document licence
Standardní licenční smlouva - přístup k plnému textu bez omezení