Mobilní aplikace využívající technologii Google beacon
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Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií
Bakalárska práca sa zaoberá využitím beacon technológie v Android aplikáciách. Beacon technológia umožňuje určiť približnú vzdialenosoť užívateľa od beaconu. Za účelom overenia hodnôt udaných výrobcom bolo uskutočnené meranie na zistenie závislosti prijatého výkonu na vzdialenosti. Merané boli tri značky beacnov, PROXioT a IBKS, meranie bolo uskutočnené v otvorenom prostredí. Zistenia z merania boli implementované do aplikácie zastrešujúcej cielený marketing v obchodných centrách. Aplikácia po priblížení k beacnu rozlišuje niekoľko typov správania beaconu. Jedná sa o správanie ako okamžitá notifikácia, zápis polohy do databázy, sledovanie a zápis približného času stráveného pri beacone do databázy a podmienenú odpoveď. Snahou bolo vyriešiť problematiku komunikácie s beacnom čo najuniverzálnejšie, aby správa a implementácia do ďalších projektov bola čo najjenoduchšia. Spomenutá aplikácia je výstupom tejto práce.
This Bachelor thesis focuses on utilizing beacon technology in Android applications. Beacon technology allows for determining an approximate distance of the user from the beacon.. In order to verify the reference numbers given by the manufacturer we conducted an observation to measure the power of the received signal in reference to distance. 3 brands of beacons were tested,, PROXioT and IBKS. The observasion has been iterated in an open field setting. Findings from this observation was implemented into an application designed for shopping mall marketing. The application, after getting closer to the beacon distinguishes between different behaviour types; behaviour as an instant notification, as a position log into a database, as a time stamp log (time spent near the beacon) into a database and as a conditional response. The aim was to resolve the problematics of communication with the beacon as universally as possible so the impletation into other projects would be as simple as possible. The aforementioned app is the output of this thesis.
This Bachelor thesis focuses on utilizing beacon technology in Android applications. Beacon technology allows for determining an approximate distance of the user from the beacon.. In order to verify the reference numbers given by the manufacturer we conducted an observation to measure the power of the received signal in reference to distance. 3 brands of beacons were tested,, PROXioT and IBKS. The observasion has been iterated in an open field setting. Findings from this observation was implemented into an application designed for shopping mall marketing. The application, after getting closer to the beacon distinguishes between different behaviour types; behaviour as an instant notification, as a position log into a database, as a time stamp log (time spent near the beacon) into a database and as a conditional response. The aim was to resolve the problematics of communication with the beacon as universally as possible so the impletation into other projects would be as simple as possible. The aforementioned app is the output of this thesis.
KRAJANEC, Š. Mobilní aplikace využívající technologii Google beacon [online]. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií. 2018.
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doc. Ing. Karel Burda, CSc. (předseda)
doc. Ing. Petr Sysel, Ph.D. (místopředseda)
Ing. Pavel Šilhavý, Ph.D. (člen)
Ing. Václav Uher, Ph.D. (člen)
Ing. Martin Plšek, Ph.D. (člen)
Ing. Ivo Strašil (člen)
Date of acceptance
Použil byste Vámi vytvořenou aplikaci pro sledování pohybu při nákupu? - student dokázal otázku vysvětlit
Result of defence
práce byla úspěšně obhájena
Document licence
Standardní licenční smlouva - přístup k plnému textu bez omezení