Tvorba účelové mapy v Moravském krasu
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Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební
Bakalárska práca rieši problematiku tvorby účelovej mapy v krasovom reliéfe, konkrétne v oblasti prepadania potoka Bílá voda do priestorov jaskyne Nová Rasovna. Lokalita sa nachádza v severovýchodnej časti Moravského krasu. Na začiatku prác je nutné vybudovať vhodnú sieť meračských stanovísk - v tomto prípade išlo o polygónový ťah obojstranne pripojený, obojstranne orientovaný. Ďalej nasledovalo tachymetrické zameranie situácie s generalizáciou zodpovedajúcou mierke 1:500, 3. triede presnosti a následná tvorba vrstevníc. Podrobné body boli zamerané polárnou metódou a pripojené do systému S-JTSK a výškového systému Bpv. Grafické spracovanie prebehlo v softwari Microstation. Práca má slúžiť k presnej orientácii v zadanej lokalite a zároveň pre potreby správy Chránenej krajinnej oblasti Moravský kras.
Bachelor thesis deals with creation of thematic map in karst surface, specifically in the area of sagging Bílá voda brook to the cave Nová Rasovna. Location is situated in North – East part of the Moravian Karst. At the beginning it is necessary to create suitable surveying network, which was created by polygon two-side attached and two-side oriented. It was followed by tachometry survey of situation with generalization suitable to map scale 1:500 and 3th accuracy class and finally creation of contour lines. Survey of detail points of planimetry and altimetry parts was realized by the polar method and they were attached to system S-JTSK and Bpv. Graphic processing was realized in system Microstation. Thesis should be used as an accurate orientation in location and also for needs of administration of PLA Moravský kras.
Bachelor thesis deals with creation of thematic map in karst surface, specifically in the area of sagging Bílá voda brook to the cave Nová Rasovna. Location is situated in North – East part of the Moravian Karst. At the beginning it is necessary to create suitable surveying network, which was created by polygon two-side attached and two-side oriented. It was followed by tachometry survey of situation with generalization suitable to map scale 1:500 and 3th accuracy class and finally creation of contour lines. Survey of detail points of planimetry and altimetry parts was realized by the polar method and they were attached to system S-JTSK and Bpv. Graphic processing was realized in system Microstation. Thesis should be used as an accurate orientation in location and also for needs of administration of PLA Moravský kras.
STOLÁROVÁ, I. Tvorba účelové mapy v Moravském krasu [online]. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební. 2014.
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Geodézie a kartografie
Date of acceptance
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práce byla úspěšně obhájena
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Standardní licenční smlouva - přístup k plnému textu bez omezení