Architektura domova
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Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta architektury
Diplomová práca vychádza zo sledovania, ako si človek predstavuje, vytvára prostredie, ako si ho dotvára alebo ako je prostredie človeka tvorené. Ak sa spýtame samy seba, čo pre nás domov znamená, vedeli by sme mu dávať tvar priestoru. Popisovali by sme možno miesto, kde sme radi. Vynára sa otázka. Keď je domov akási predstava bývania, bytia, a keď je taká osobná, ako to, že každý z nás vníma domov v jej intimite rovnako? Ako sa k tomu samotná architektúra stavia? Cielom práce je pretlmočiť chápanie domova cez konkrétnu situáciu. Vyberám si dedinu na Slovensku, Čechynce, s vyše 1000 obyvateľmi. Samotný architektonický návrh sa neupriamuje na vytváranie domova ako domu. Chce poukázať na to, že domov nie je v izolovanosti stien, ale v schopnosti vzdialenia sa a v možnosti opätovného návratu.
The thesis is based on monitoring how one represents, creating an environment, how one completes it, or how the human environment is created. When we ask ourselves what our home means for us, we knew we could give it the shape of space. We could describe it as a place where we like to be. Some questions arise. If there is any idea of living at home, if it is as personal, how does each of us perceive home in his intimacy as well? How did it become the architecture itself? The goal of the work is to translate the understanding of the home through a specific situation. I choose a village in Slovakia, Čechynce, which has more than 1000 inhabitants. The architectural design itself does not adapt to the creation of a home as a house. He wants to point out that the home is not in an isolated system of walls, but in an ability of distence and in a chance to return again.
The thesis is based on monitoring how one represents, creating an environment, how one completes it, or how the human environment is created. When we ask ourselves what our home means for us, we knew we could give it the shape of space. We could describe it as a place where we like to be. Some questions arise. If there is any idea of living at home, if it is as personal, how does each of us perceive home in his intimacy as well? How did it become the architecture itself? The goal of the work is to translate the understanding of the home through a specific situation. I choose a village in Slovakia, Čechynce, which has more than 1000 inhabitants. The architectural design itself does not adapt to the creation of a home as a house. He wants to point out that the home is not in an isolated system of walls, but in an ability of distence and in a chance to return again.
OČADLÍKOVÁ, V. Architektura domova [online]. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta architektury. 2019.
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Study field
doc. Ing. arch. Kamil Mrva, Ph.D. (předseda)
Ing. arch. Tomáš Pejpek (člen)
Ing. arch. MgA. Lukáš Blažek (člen)
Ing. arch. Dušan Vostrejž (člen)
doc. Ing. Monika Petříčková, Ph.D. (člen)
Date of acceptance
Nedostatečné formální a obsahové zpracování diplomové práce, předložené zajímavé téma, které však bylo nepřesvědčivě prezentováno, absence architektonicko-urbanistického návrhu
Result of defence
práce nebyla úspěšně obhájena
Document licence
Standardní licenční smlouva - přístup k plnému textu bez omezení