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Labanc, Tomáš
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Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta architektury
Supporting the idea of creating an area of a rational approach, while respecting and understanding the importance of a monument gardens. The basic architecture is for me becoming a module that defines all areas of different character. He rewrites his structure in its proposal giving excel its context. Since preserves the current entrance to the garden, trying to work with the existing space objects, which I give a new character while maintaining the original appearance forms. The core of the input object removing and paste into the new facility, which boosts its premises. This structure is reflected through a tieu object to Neptunovej gardens and newly Holnadskej orange gardens to the end of the northern part. Predpolie Flower garden is divided into input objects, cold and a tropical greenhouse in the southern and northern part. The northern part is divided into three continuous dry areas. First, Neptúnová garden pojímam theme of water, the second Court characterized the effort to restore the atmosphere of the Netherlands and orange gardens. Third Court accessible from the north of me full of. By earning the southern part of cleansing the area from interfering objects and promotion axis towards the aviary. It preserves the function, also as an area with strawberry kopecka theme music. The remaining space can be multifunctional, in relation to cold glass to various musical and cultural events.Supporting the idea of creating an area of a rational approach, while respecting and understanding the importance of a monument gardens. The basic architecture is for me becoming a module that defines all areas of different character. He rewrites his structure in its proposal giving excel its context. Since preserves the current entrance to the garden, trying to work with the existing space objects, which I give a new character while maintaining the original appearance forms. The core of the input object removing and paste into the new facility, which boosts its premises. This structure is reflected through a tieu object to Neptunovej gardens and newly Holnadskej orange gardens to the end of the northern part. Predpolie Flower garden is divided into input objects, cold and a tropical greenhouse in the southern and northern part. The northern part is divided into three continuous dry areas. First, Neptúnová garden pojímam theme of water, the second Court characterized the effort to restore the atmosphere of the Netherlands and orange gardens. Third Court accessible from the north of me full of. By earning the southern part of cleansing the area from interfering objects and promotion axis towards the aviary. It preserves the function, also as an area with strawberry kopecka theme music. The remaining space can be multifunctional, in relation to cold glass to various musical and cultural events.
Supporting the idea of creating an area of a rational approach, while respecting and understanding the importance of a monument gardens. The basic architecture is for me becoming a module that defines all areas of different character. He rewrites his structure in its proposal giving excel its context. Since preserves the current entrance to the garden, trying to work with the existing space objects, which I give a new character while maintaining the original appearance forms. The core of the input object removing and paste into the new facility, which boosts its premises. This structure is reflected through a tieu object to Neptunovej gardens and newly Holnadskej orange gardens to the end of the northern part. Predpolie Flower garden is divided into input objects, cold and a tropical greenhouse in the southern and northern part. The northern part is divided into three continuous dry areas. First, Neptúnová garden pojímam theme of water, the second Court characterized the effort to restore the atmosphere of the Netherlands and orange gardens. Third Court accessible from the north of me full of. By earning the southern part of cleansing the area from interfering objects and promotion axis towards the aviary. It preserves the function, also as an area with strawberry kopecka theme music. The remaining space can be multifunctional, in relation to cold glass to various musical and cultural events.
LABANC, T. REVITALIZACE PŘEDPOLÍ KVĚTNÉ ZAHRADY V KROMĚŘÍŽI [online]. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta architektury. .
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Ing. arch. Jaroslav Josífek (předseda) doc. Ing. arch. Ivo Boháč, Ph.D. (člen) Ing. arch. Jan Foretník, Ph.D. (člen) Ing. arch. Jan Kratochvíl (člen) Ing. Jiří Svoboda (člen)
Date of acceptance
Result of defence
práce byla úspěšně obhájena
Document licence
Standardní licenční smlouva - přístup k plnému textu bez omezení
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