Polička - bydlení na hraně města a krajiny
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Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta architektury
Keď spím, nachádzam sa v najintímnejšej možnej vrstve. Keď sa prebudím, nachádzam sa v posteli vedľa partnera, s ktorým vytváram vrstvu väčšiu ako tá predošlá. My a naša posteľ. Kúpeľňu zdieľam s mojou rodinou a v kuchyni pri raňajkách zas stretávam svojich priateľov, s ktorými zdieľam jeden byt. Svoj deň strávim so susedmi v zdieľaných kanceláriách, ktoré sa nachádzajú na prízemí a z ktorých mám výhľad na komunitné záhrady. K večeru zájdem do blízkej kaviarne s mojimi bývalými spolužiakmi, ktorí bývajú neďaleko. Večer sa vraciam domov, pozriem si film v zdieľanej obývačke, umyjem si zuby a znova sa ocitám v tej najmenšej vrstve z tých všetkých. Zaspávam. Návrh bývania nadväzuje na myšlienku, že život človeka je utvorený z vrstiev. Tie sú buď materiálne, ako priestor alebo nemateriálne ako vzťahy a sociálne kontakty. , ktoré sa navzájom prelínajú. Toto miesto, v ktorom žijeme, musí byť tomuto fenoménu prispôsobené. Tento návrh je kombináciou bytových domov v mestách, kde majú ľudia všetko bližšie a nie sú tak odrezaní od okolia no zároveň komunitné záhrady v tomto projekte napĺňajú potrebu „vlastnenia pôdy“, ktoré väčšinou napĺňajú rodinné domy na okrajoch miest. Budovy sú spleťou bytov pre komunitné ale aj normálne bývanie a teda si človek môže vybrať, či preferuje väčšie alebo menšie súkromie. Avšak funkcie ako kaviareň, zdieľané kancelárie, malý obchod, či komunitné záhrady, ktoré sa nachádzajú na prízemí sú pre všetkých. Riešené územie však netvoria len tieto budovy, súčasťou je aj námestie, ktoré tieto budovy, priľahlú jeseň, či ihriská spája.
When I sleep, I am in the most intimate layer possible. When I wake up, I am in bed with my partner with whom I create a layer larger than the previous one. Us and our bed. I share the bathroom with my family, and I meet my friends in the kitchen at breakfast, with whom I share an apartment. I spend my day with neighbours in shared offices located on the ground floor, from which I have a view of the community gardens. In the evening, I will go to a cafe with my former classmates, who live nearby. In the evening I return home, watch a movie in the shared living room, brush my teeth and find myself again in the smallest layer of them all. I'm falling asleep. The housing design follows the idea that a person's life is made up of layers which are interconnected. These are either tangible, such as space, or intangible such as relationships and social contacts. The place in which we live must be adapted to this fact. This proposal is a combination of apartment buildings in cities where every element of the environment is much closer to one another. Additionally, at the same time, the community gardens meet the need for "land ownership’’ which usually fills family houses on the outskirts. Buildings are a combination of community and private housing to give people a choice between more or less privacy. However, features such as a cafe, shared offices, a small shop, or community gardens located on the ground floor are shared spaces. This area is not exclusively based on these buildings, but also on a square that connects them with each other and with the adjacent greenery and small playgrounds.
When I sleep, I am in the most intimate layer possible. When I wake up, I am in bed with my partner with whom I create a layer larger than the previous one. Us and our bed. I share the bathroom with my family, and I meet my friends in the kitchen at breakfast, with whom I share an apartment. I spend my day with neighbours in shared offices located on the ground floor, from which I have a view of the community gardens. In the evening, I will go to a cafe with my former classmates, who live nearby. In the evening I return home, watch a movie in the shared living room, brush my teeth and find myself again in the smallest layer of them all. I'm falling asleep. The housing design follows the idea that a person's life is made up of layers which are interconnected. These are either tangible, such as space, or intangible such as relationships and social contacts. The place in which we live must be adapted to this fact. This proposal is a combination of apartment buildings in cities where every element of the environment is much closer to one another. Additionally, at the same time, the community gardens meet the need for "land ownership’’ which usually fills family houses on the outskirts. Buildings are a combination of community and private housing to give people a choice between more or less privacy. However, features such as a cafe, shared offices, a small shop, or community gardens located on the ground floor are shared spaces. This area is not exclusively based on these buildings, but also on a square that connects them with each other and with the adjacent greenery and small playgrounds.
PAPCUN, P. Polička - bydlení na hraně města a krajiny [online]. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta architektury. .
Document type
Document version
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Study field
prof. Ing. Josef Chybík, CSc. (předseda)
Ing. arch. Barbora Ponešová, Ph.D. (člen)
Ing. arch. Adam Zezula (člen)
Ing. arch. Martin Pavlun (člen)
B.Arch. Martin Kaftan, MSc, Ph.D. (člen)
Date of acceptance
Student prezentuje svou bakalářskou práci.
Byl přečten posudek vedoucího prace a oponenta.
Byly položeny otázky oponenta.
Student reaguje na otázky dostatečně a zodpovídá je.
Komise zahajuje rozpravu - otázky:
- příjezd hasičů a požární řešení
- bytové domy reference
- konstrukce CLT panely
- ekonomika bytů - kdo by si koupil
- výhody oproti typické rodinné zastavbě budgalovů
- otázka na konzolu
Student zodpověděl dotazy dostatečně.
Komise se shodla, že student obhájil.
Result of defence
práce byla úspěšně obhájena
Document licence
Standardní licenční smlouva - přístup k plnému textu bez omezení