Metodika využití technologie GIS v realitním inženýrství
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Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební
Téma dizertačnej práce sa zaoberá medziodborovou problematikou hodnotenia variantov z oblasti realitného inžinierstva, multikriteriálnych analýz a geografických informačných systémov, a predstavuje technologické spôsoby vizuálnej stránky vzájomných priestorových vzťahov realít. Práca popisuje návrh a verifikáciu metodiky využitia technológie GIS v realitnom inžinierstve. Primárnym prvkom metodiky je lokalita ako základný determinant objektov realitného trhu, ku ktorej sa bezpodmienečne vzťahuje jedinečná vlastnosť priestorovej informácie. Lokalita objektu ako taká je definovaná veľkým počtom kritérií, ktoré bolo potrebné priestorovo analyzovať. Pre potreby priestorovej analýzy bola zvolená kombinácia technológie GIS s multikriteriálnymi metódami (MCDA) posudzujúcimi varianty problematiky. Súčasťou metodiky je objektívne stanovenie vhodnej kombinácie metód stanovenia váh a multikriteriálnych metód. Objektívne stanovenie by malo viesť k zníženiu rizika ľudského faktoru pri stanovení preferencií a variantov. Navrhované postupy sú overené na prípadových štúdiách, ktoré boli riešené v rámci konkrétnych projektov. Uvedená metodika by mala byť prínosom nielen pri hodnotení kritérií cenového porovnania nehnuteľností v realitnom inžinierstve, ale aj vo viacerých oblastiach viackriteriálneho rozhodovania z pohľadu priestorovo a polohovo viazaných dát.
The doctoral thesis deals with the interdisciplinary issue of variants evaluation from real estate engineering, multi-criteria analyses and geographic information systems, and represents the technological ways of the visual aspect related to mutual spatial relations of real estates. The thesis describes the design and verification of methodology dealing with the use of GIS technology in real estate engineering. The primary element of the methodology is the locality as a fundamental determinant of the real estate market objects to which strictly applies a unique characteristic of spatial information. The object location as such is defined by a large number of criteria that need to be spatially analysed. For the needs of spatial analysis was chosen combination of GIS technology with multi-criteria methods (MCDA) which evaluate variants of the problem. Objective determination of a suitable combination of weighting methods and multi-criteria methods is part of the methodology. An objective determination should lead to a reduction in the human factor risk by determining preferences and variants. The proposed procedures are validated on case studies which were dealt with in specific projects. This methodology should be beneficial not only for the criteria evaluation of price comparison in real estate engineering but also for several areas of multi-criteria decision making in terms of space and location-related data.
The doctoral thesis deals with the interdisciplinary issue of variants evaluation from real estate engineering, multi-criteria analyses and geographic information systems, and represents the technological ways of the visual aspect related to mutual spatial relations of real estates. The thesis describes the design and verification of methodology dealing with the use of GIS technology in real estate engineering. The primary element of the methodology is the locality as a fundamental determinant of the real estate market objects to which strictly applies a unique characteristic of spatial information. The object location as such is defined by a large number of criteria that need to be spatially analysed. For the needs of spatial analysis was chosen combination of GIS technology with multi-criteria methods (MCDA) which evaluate variants of the problem. Objective determination of a suitable combination of weighting methods and multi-criteria methods is part of the methodology. An objective determination should lead to a reduction in the human factor risk by determining preferences and variants. The proposed procedures are validated on case studies which were dealt with in specific projects. This methodology should be beneficial not only for the criteria evaluation of price comparison in real estate engineering but also for several areas of multi-criteria decision making in terms of space and location-related data.
VIKTOROVÁ, S. Metodika využití technologie GIS v realitním inženýrství [online]. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební. .
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Geodézie a kartografie
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práce byla úspěšně obhájena
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Standardní licenční smlouva - přístup k plnému textu bez omezení