Štúdium chemických procesov v atmosférach exoplanét
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Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta chemická
V predkladanej práci bol generovaný abnormálny dútnavý výboj pri atmosférickom tlaku, v plynnej zmesi metánu (1 až 5 %) v dusíku, pre simuláciu atmosféry mesiaca Titan. Výboj bol charakterizovaný pomocou optickej emisnej spektrometrie, ktorá potvrdzuje prítomnosť aktívnych foriem dusíka a radikálov vznikajúcich z metánu. Okrem toho boli tiež pozorované spektrálne pásy CN radikálu. Intenzity vybraných spektrálnych systémov boli študované v závislosti na prúde dodávanom do výboja a zmene v zložení plynnej zmesi. Rotačná teplota bola stanovená z druhého pozitívneho systému dusíka na hodnotu približne 2000 K. Z rovnakého systému bola stanovená aj vibračná teplota v závislosti na koncentrácii plynnej zmesi od 3000 K (1 % CH4) do 3600 K (5 % CH4). Vibračná teplota prvého negatívneho systému dusíka rástla s výkonom a klesala s koncentráciou metánu v intervale od 3700 K do 4200 K. Rovnakú závislosť mala vibračná teplota vypočítaná pre fialový spektrálny systém CN, ktorej hodnota bola 4600 až 5800 K. Stabilné produkty vznikajúce v reaktore boli analyzované pomocou hmotnostného spektrometra s protónovou ionizáciou a s analyzátorom doby letu. Detegovaných bolo množstvo alifatických uhľovodíkov, niektoré aromatické uhľovodíky a tiež pomerne veľa amino či kyano zlúčenín. So vzrastajúcou koncentráciou metánu vznikalo viac látok s vyššou molekulovou hmotnosťou a menej jednoduchých látok, ktoré sa pravdepodobne spotrebúvali na zložitejšie látky. Ich relatívne intenzity boli stanovené za rovnakých podmienok, ako boli namerané optické emisné spektrá.
In the present work, the abnormal glow discharge at atmospheric pressure was generated in the nitrogen-methane (1 to 5 %) gaseous mixtures related to the atmosphere of Titan. The discharge itself was monitored by optical emission spectrometry that confirmed presence of active nitrogen species and various radicals formed from methane. Besides them, the CN spectral bands were observed. Intensities of all light emitting species were studied in the dependence on applied power and composition of nitrogen-methane mixture. The rotational temperature of about 2000 K was calculated from the second positive nitrogen system. The vibrational temperature also obtained from neutral nitrogen molecule increased nearly directly with methane from 3000 K (1 % CH4) to 3600 K (5 % CH4). In the contrary, vibrational temperature obtained from nitrogen molecular ion decreased with methane in the gaseous mixture and increased with applied discharge power from 3700 K to 4200 K. The same trend showed the vibrational temperature calculated from violet system of CN with value from 4600 K to 5800 K. The stable discharge products were analysed by proton transfer time of flight mass spectrometry of the exhausting gas. Presence of many aliphatic and some aromatic hydrocarbons was confirmed as well as quite a lot of amino and cyano compounds. Increasing concentrations of methane have produced more substances with higher molecular weight and less simple substances that were likely to be consumed on more complex substances. Their relative intensities were determined under the same conditions as optical emission spectra were collected.
In the present work, the abnormal glow discharge at atmospheric pressure was generated in the nitrogen-methane (1 to 5 %) gaseous mixtures related to the atmosphere of Titan. The discharge itself was monitored by optical emission spectrometry that confirmed presence of active nitrogen species and various radicals formed from methane. Besides them, the CN spectral bands were observed. Intensities of all light emitting species were studied in the dependence on applied power and composition of nitrogen-methane mixture. The rotational temperature of about 2000 K was calculated from the second positive nitrogen system. The vibrational temperature also obtained from neutral nitrogen molecule increased nearly directly with methane from 3000 K (1 % CH4) to 3600 K (5 % CH4). In the contrary, vibrational temperature obtained from nitrogen molecular ion decreased with methane in the gaseous mixture and increased with applied discharge power from 3700 K to 4200 K. The same trend showed the vibrational temperature calculated from violet system of CN with value from 4600 K to 5800 K. The stable discharge products were analysed by proton transfer time of flight mass spectrometry of the exhausting gas. Presence of many aliphatic and some aromatic hydrocarbons was confirmed as well as quite a lot of amino and cyano compounds. Increasing concentrations of methane have produced more substances with higher molecular weight and less simple substances that were likely to be consumed on more complex substances. Their relative intensities were determined under the same conditions as optical emission spectra were collected.
CHUDJÁK, S. Štúdium chemických procesov v atmosférach exoplanét [online]. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta chemická. 2017.
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Spotřební chemie
prof. Ing. Miloslav Pekař, CSc. (předseda)
prof. Ing. Michal Čeppan, CSc. (místopředseda)
doc. Ing. Karel Friess, Ph.D. (člen)
doc. Ing. Zdenka Kozáková, Ph.D. (člen)
doc. Ing. Irena Kratochvílová, Ph.D. (člen)
doc. Ing. Marián Lehocký, Ph.D. (člen)
prof. Ing. Michal Veselý, CSc. (člen)
Date of acceptance
Kratochvílová: Jaký význam má rotační a vibrační teplota?
Friess: Co ovlivňuje rotační teplotu v daném systému?
Jaký je vliv vlhkosti na výsledné produkty?
Čeppan: Jaký je význam zkoumání dané atmosféry?
Co je to PTR-TOF?
Kozáková: Sledoval jste časové závislost produktů?
Result of defence
práce byla úspěšně obhájena
Document licence
Standardní licenční smlouva - přístup k plnému textu bez omezení