Enzymatická hydrolýza odpadní lepenky s využitím metody SSF - zdroj suroviny pro výrobu kapalných biopaliv.
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Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta chemická
Diplomová práca pojednáva o využití enzymatickej hydrolýzy odpadnej lepenky s využitím metódy simultánnej sacharifikácie a fermentácie (SSF) ako zdroja pre výrobu kvapalných biopalív. Táto práca je priamym pokračovaním diplomovej práce Ing. Lepaře a Ing. Brummera. Vychádza teda z poznatkov získaných v týchto prácach a ďalej ich rozvíja. V teoretickej časti sú zhrnuté dôvody pre vývoj tejto metódy a rovnako sú v nej popísané aj doteraz dosiahnuté výsledky a pokroky dosiahnuté v spracovaní lignocelulózových materiálov metódou SSF. Táto časť taktiež pojednáva o všeobecnej charakteristike lignocelulózového materiálu a zároveň aj celulolytických enzýmov. Pozornosť je venovaná jednotlivým možným metódam predúpravy lignocelulózového materiálu a možnostiam zvýšenia výťažnosti celého procesu. Experimentálna časť overuje výsledky, ktoré boli dosiahnuté v predchádzajúcich prácach a zároveň bola v tejto časti uskutočnená ďalšia optimalizácia procesu s jeho prenesením do fermentoru. Substrátom bola vlnitá lepenka vyhodnotená Ing. Brummerom ako najvhodnejší substrát a na hydrolýzu boli požité enzýmy dodané firmou Novozymes®. Parametre ako teplota, pH a druh pufru, koncentrácia dávkovaného substrátu a enzýmov, boli prevzaté z práce Ing. Lepaře, ktorá sa zaoberala ich optimalizáciou. Proces SSF vo fermentore o objeme 2,0 l potvrdil výsledky dosiahnuté v práci Ing. Lepaře a došlo ak jeho zefektívneniu vďaka optimalizácii množstva pridávaného inokula. Bolo potvrdené, že najvhodnejším substrátom je vlnitá lepenka predupravená pomocou rozomletia vibračným mlynom. V rámci snahy o zvýšenie koncentrácie etanolu, boli uskutočnené aj pokusy s pridaním živín k produkčnému médiu, čo však neviedlo k uspokojivým výsledkom. Maximálna dosiahnutá koncentrácia etanolu činila 23,49 g/l, po dodatočnej optimalizácii niekoľkých parametrov, čo zodpovedá experimentálnemu výťažku 84,79 %.
This master’s thesis discusses the useof enzymatic hydrolysis process of waste cardboard using simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) as a source of raw materials for production of liquid biofuels. This thesis is based on theses written by Ing. Brummer and Ing.Lepař.Thus, results gained in these works have been used and also further developed. The theoretical part summarizes the reasons for further development of SSF method and discusses, as well, the achievements reached in the processing of lignocellulosic waste materials by the SSF method so far.This section also discusses the general characteristics of lignocellulosic materials and also of the cellulolytic enzymes. It focusses also on individual pretreatment methods of lignocellulosic material and options of increasing the yield of the whole process. The experimental part verifies the particular results reached in previous theses and at the same time a further optimization of the method has been carried out because of the transfer of the whole process into a fermenter. Cardboard was set as the substrate for the experiments as it was evaluated by Ing. Brummer as the best one for enzymatic hydrolysis which was carried out by enzymes from Novozymes®. Parameters such as temperature, pH and kind of used buffer, the loading concentration of substrate and enzymes, were set according to the thesis of Ing. Lepař, which was aimed to their optimization. The SSF process done in fermenter of 2.0 l volume confirmed the previous results and furthermore it has been more effective through optimization of the added inoculum volume. It has been confirmed that the best substrate is cardboard finely grinded by vibrating mill. Also experiments with added nutrients had been done as an effort to increase the ethanol concentration, but these haven’t resulted insatisfying results. The maximal concentration of ethanol was 23,49 g/l, which was achieved after further optimization of various conditions. This result equals to experimental yield of 84,79 %.
This master’s thesis discusses the useof enzymatic hydrolysis process of waste cardboard using simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) as a source of raw materials for production of liquid biofuels. This thesis is based on theses written by Ing. Brummer and Ing.Lepař.Thus, results gained in these works have been used and also further developed. The theoretical part summarizes the reasons for further development of SSF method and discusses, as well, the achievements reached in the processing of lignocellulosic waste materials by the SSF method so far.This section also discusses the general characteristics of lignocellulosic materials and also of the cellulolytic enzymes. It focusses also on individual pretreatment methods of lignocellulosic material and options of increasing the yield of the whole process. The experimental part verifies the particular results reached in previous theses and at the same time a further optimization of the method has been carried out because of the transfer of the whole process into a fermenter. Cardboard was set as the substrate for the experiments as it was evaluated by Ing. Brummer as the best one for enzymatic hydrolysis which was carried out by enzymes from Novozymes®. Parameters such as temperature, pH and kind of used buffer, the loading concentration of substrate and enzymes, were set according to the thesis of Ing. Lepař, which was aimed to their optimization. The SSF process done in fermenter of 2.0 l volume confirmed the previous results and furthermore it has been more effective through optimization of the added inoculum volume. It has been confirmed that the best substrate is cardboard finely grinded by vibrating mill. Also experiments with added nutrients had been done as an effort to increase the ethanol concentration, but these haven’t resulted insatisfying results. The maximal concentration of ethanol was 23,49 g/l, which was achieved after further optimization of various conditions. This result equals to experimental yield of 84,79 %.
HLAVÁČEK, V. Enzymatická hydrolýza odpadní lepenky s využitím metody SSF - zdroj suroviny pro výrobu kapalných biopaliv. [online]. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta chemická. 2013.
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Document version
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Study field
Potravinářská chemie a biotechnologie
prof. Ing. Peter Šimko, DrSc. (předseda)
doc. Ing. Jiřina Omelková, CSc. (místopředseda)
prof. RNDr. Ivana Márová, CSc. (člen)
doc. RNDr. Alena Španová, CSc. (člen)
doc. Ing. Bohuslav Rittich, CSc. (člen)
Date of acceptance
1. Diplomant seznámil členy komise s náplní a cílem diplomové práce.
2. Byly přečteny posudky na diplomovou práci.
3. Diplomant akceptoval všechny připomínky oponenta a na všechny otázky odpověděl v plné šíři.
doc. Márová: Jak plánujete další proces ? Vyšší přídavek glukosy ?
Úprava substrátu před fermentací ?
Jaký bude objem fermentoru ?
Result of defence
práce byla úspěšně obhájena
Document licence
Standardní licenční smlouva - přístup k plnému textu bez omezení