Využití magnetických částic pro izolaci DNA z vybraných druhů koření
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Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta chemická
Izolácia DNA z rastlinného pletiva v požadovanej kvalite je veľmi komplikovaná, hlavne z dôvodu prítomnosti látok, ktoré môžu interferovať pri amplifikácii DNA. Týmito látkami sú hlavne polyfenoly, polysacharidy, proteíny a rôzne farbivá. Chemická rôznorodosť takýchto látok môže mať významný vplyv na výťažok a kvalitu DNA pri použití jedného izolačného postupu. Hlavným cieľom práce bolo vyhodnotiť použitie mikroizolačného protokolu u príbuzných matríc na kvalitu izolovanej DNA ako aj zhodnotenie vplyvu inhibítorov izolovaných spolu s nukleovou kyselinou na jej amplifikáciu v PCR. DNA bola izolovaná zo sušenej mletej papriky (Capsicum annuum). V prvej fáze boli vzorky homogenizované s použitím lyzačného roztoku s cetyl trimetyl amónium bromidom. Následne bola DNA purifikovaná pomocou reverzibilnej adsorbcie na magnetické nosiče. Celkom bolo testovaných šesť rôzne modifikovaných nosičov. Koncentrácia a čistota získanej DNA bola stanovená spektrofotometricky meraním absorbancie roztoku DNA v TE pufre. Kvalita DNA bola overená amplifikáciou v PCR. Boli použité priméry špecifické pre rastlinnú ribozomálnu DNA (rDNA). Prítomnosť produktov PCR bola dokázaná agarózovou gélovou elektroforézou. Bolo zistené, že použitou mikrometódou je možné izolovať DNA odpovedajúcej čistoty, ktorá je vhodná pre genetickú analýzu pomocou PCR. Boli zistené rozdiely medzi magnetickými nosičmi, ktoré boli testované pre izoláciu DNA.
The isolation of DNA from plant tissue of the required quality is very complicated, especially because of the presence of substances that can interfere during amplification of DNA. These substances are mainly polyphenols, polysaccharides, proteins and various dyes. The chemical diversity of such materials can have a significant effect on the yield and quality of DNA using one isolation procedure. The main aim of the work was to evaluate the use of microisolation protocol for related matrices to the quality of the isolated DNA as well as the evaluation of the effect of inhibitors isolated with the nucleic acid to the amplification in the PCR. DNA was isolated from dried paprika (Capsicum annuum). In the first step, the samples were homogenized using a lysis reagent with cetyltrimethylammonium bromide. Subsequently, the DNA was purified by reversible adsorption on magnetic particles. It was tested six different modified particles. The concentration and purity of the obtained DNA was determined by spectrophotometry measuring the absorbance of the DNA solution in TE buffer. The quality of the DNA was confirmed by amplification in PCR. For the PCR were used primers specific for plant ribosomal DNA (rDNA). The presence of PCR products was detected by agarose gel electrophoresis. It was found out that used microassay is suitable for isolating of the DNA of the corresponding purity that is suitable for the genetic analysis by PCR. The differences were found between the magnetic particles that were tested for DNA isolation.
The isolation of DNA from plant tissue of the required quality is very complicated, especially because of the presence of substances that can interfere during amplification of DNA. These substances are mainly polyphenols, polysaccharides, proteins and various dyes. The chemical diversity of such materials can have a significant effect on the yield and quality of DNA using one isolation procedure. The main aim of the work was to evaluate the use of microisolation protocol for related matrices to the quality of the isolated DNA as well as the evaluation of the effect of inhibitors isolated with the nucleic acid to the amplification in the PCR. DNA was isolated from dried paprika (Capsicum annuum). In the first step, the samples were homogenized using a lysis reagent with cetyltrimethylammonium bromide. Subsequently, the DNA was purified by reversible adsorption on magnetic particles. It was tested six different modified particles. The concentration and purity of the obtained DNA was determined by spectrophotometry measuring the absorbance of the DNA solution in TE buffer. The quality of the DNA was confirmed by amplification in PCR. For the PCR were used primers specific for plant ribosomal DNA (rDNA). The presence of PCR products was detected by agarose gel electrophoresis. It was found out that used microassay is suitable for isolating of the DNA of the corresponding purity that is suitable for the genetic analysis by PCR. The differences were found between the magnetic particles that were tested for DNA isolation.
GAŇOVÁ, M. Využití magnetických částic pro izolaci DNA z vybraných druhů koření [online]. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta chemická. 2017.
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Study field
Potravinářská chemie a biotechnologie
prof. RNDr. Ivana Márová, CSc. (předseda)
doc. RNDr. Alena Španová, CSc. (místopředseda)
doc. Ing. Bohuslav Rittich, CSc. (člen)
doc. Ing. Pavel Diviš, Ph.D. (člen)
doc. Ing. Stanislav Obruča, Ph.D. (člen)
RNDr. Renata Mikulíková, Ph.D. (člen)
Date of acceptance
1. Diplomantka seznámila členy komise s náplní a cílem diplomové práce.
2. Byly přečteny posudky na diplomovou práci.
3. Diplomantka akceptovala všechny připomínky oponenta a na všechny otázky odpověděla v plné šíři.
prof. Márová: Stanovení autenticity potravin ?
dr. Mikulíková: Přídavek antuky do papriky ?
Result of defence
práce byla úspěšně obhájena
Document licence
Standardní licenční smlouva - přístup k plnému textu bez omezení