HALAMÍČEK, S. Analýza složení odpadů jako podpůrný nástroj pro cirkulární ekonomiku [online]. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta strojního inženýrství. 2023.


Posudek vedoucího

Fan, Yee Van

This thesis focuses on understanding the fundamental step, the waste composition analysis, in waste management. Waste composition plays an important role in the effectiveness of waste management systems, from facilitating a proper waste collection system to a waste treatment or disposal process. The thesis deals with an existing challenge in society with the aim of assessing and developing a tool based on existing procedures for solid waste analysis. The methodology's applicability is demonstrated through a case study conducted in Brno municipality, specifically aligned with the goals of the local waste management plan.The method and workflow employed in this thesis are reasonable, with VBA code being applied for data management and the waste composition for the first and third levels being presented. The change in composition affected by the location is also determined. The contribution and originality are sufficient for a master’s thesis. A waste recovery potential of 70 % has also been proposed. I appreciate the effort of the student in analysing the data and interpreting the results to propose a suitable waste treatment approach. It reflects his sufficient level of understanding of the topic. He has been proactive in developing and working on his master thesis to completion.The applicability of results, in theory, is generally good. However, the applicability in practice might take more work. It is at the borderline of A and B grading. This limitation is, however, an inherent challenge of waste management studies that arise from the dynamicity of waste composition that is influenced by various socioeconomic factors. It will be excellent if the limitation of his work is discussed in a more comprehensive way in the reported thesis. The structure and language level could still be improved, especially the presentation of the conclusion section, which is less concise (lengthy) than the discussion section. Overall, I have no reservations about supporting the student in defending his work. The thesis meets the requirements for granting a master's degree and showcases the student's competence in the subject area.

Dílčí hodnocení
Kritérium Známka Body Slovní hodnocení
Splnění požadavků a cílů zadání A
Postup a rozsah řešení, adekvátnost použitých metod A
Vlastní přínos a originalita A
Schopnost interpretovat dosažené výsledky a vyvozovat z nich závěry A
Využitelnost výsledků v praxi nebo teorii B
Logické uspořádání práce a formální náležitosti B
Grafická, stylistická úprava a pravopis B
Práce s literaturou včetně citací A
Samostatnost studenta při zpracování tématu A
Navrhovaná známka

Posudek oponenta

Varbanov, Petar Sabev

The considered MSc Dissertation deals with a relevant and important topic - analysing waste composition in general and then focusing on municipal waste. It is well structured and well presented, deserving a positive evaluation. The abstract is appropriate and provides an excellent and informative summary of the subject, the method applied, and the obtained results. The introductory sections (1 and 2) read well and are streamlined. Section 3 overviews waste management in general and in the Czech Republic. Sections "4 WASTE COMPOSITION ANALYSIS"  and "5 METHOD" present the core of the current work. The sections on the case study (6), discussion (7) and the conclusion (8) are well presented and are easy to follow. Questions for the MSc candidate: 1) What is the novelty of this work? 2) What are this work and its topic useful for? How characterising waste composition would facilitate design or operational decisions? Perhaps giving a couple of examples would be useful. 3) What is the meaning of the three levels in Table 5-1? 4) The values for each row in Table 5-2 sum up to approximately 50-something %. What is in the remaining fraction of the analysed waste streams? Recommendations 1) Section " SAMPLING STRATEGY" needs a few more sentences elaborating on the sampling procedure. The current reference to Figure 4-1 does not provide sufficient information about the procedure. 2) Figure 6-1 - it would be better if the text labels were put next to the pie segments. It is not entirely clear about the biological and metal fractions from the current legend. 3) The conclusion can shorten the summaries of the topic and the motivation. as well as the discussion (as there is a dedicated discussion section). The conclusion section should focus more on the summary of the methodological or result achievements.

Dílčí hodnocení
Kritérium Známka Body Slovní hodnocení
Splnění požadavků a cílů zadání A
Postup a rozsah řešení, adekvátnost použitých metod A
Vlastní přínos a originalita A
Schopnost interpretovat dosaž. výsledky a vyvozovat z nich závěry A
Využitelnost výsledků v praxi nebo teorii A
Logické uspořádání práce a formální náležitosti A
Grafická, stylistická úprava a pravopis C
Práce s literaturou včetně citací A
Navrhovaná známka

eVSKP id 153515