ABRAHAM, O. Společenské souvislosti kybernetické bezpečnosti [online]. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií. 2023.


Posudek vedoucího

Smutný, Milan

Autor práce podle zadání popisuje současný stav v oblasti kybernetické bezpečnosti, která je představena nejen jako technický ale i společenský problém, a to z hlediska státní správy, firem i jednotlivců. V textu je definován pojem kybernetické bezpečnosti, popsány jeho různé aspekty zahrnující i stručný pohled na historický vývoj. Uvedeny jsou druhy kybernetických bezpečnostních incidentů a jejich dopady, možnosti ochrany před hrozbami a útoky včetně strategie EU v dané oblasti. Text je zpracován na základě množství aktuálních zdrojů, shrnuje poznatky v nich uváděné. Z hlediska jazykové správnosti a stylu se nevyskytují větší nedostatky. Práce je strukturována a sestavena adekvátně danému tématu. Poskytuje celkový pohled na problém a jeho možná řešení. Autor prokázal potřebný přehled v dané oblasti a požadovanou znalost anglického jazyka. Práce splňuje zadání a požadavky. Doporučuji k obhajobě.

Navrhovaná známka

Posudek oponenta

Froehling, Kenneth

This bachelor thesis deals with the social context of cybersecurity. The author describes what cybersecurity is and why it is important. Then, he focuses on social networks and norms and emerging trends. After that, computer threats and attacks are classified and explained. Finally, the author describes cybersecurity strategy, giving the example of the current EU strategy. This is a very good and informative thesis. It is overall well crafted and readable and the figures used are very apt and helpful to the reader. For example, I particularly liked Figure 2.1 with the Cybersecurity cube in this regard. The citations and references are done correctly too. This paper has a few drawbacks which prevents it from being classified as excellent. One glaring problem is the Introduction on p. 14. The Introduction here it is too short and brusque, and is not that well written either. The tenses in the second paragraph are not consistent (i.e. the verbs should all be in the present simple, but both present and past simple is used there). The grammar and vocabulary is overall well done with very few mistakes. While there are many in-depth descriptions and examples in this thesis, I wish the author had sometimes commented more often as he did on p. 28 when he correctly mentioned talked about social protocols depending on the society of a country. For example, on p. 30 when 'distributed trust' is talked about, there are still differences in my opinion between Canadians and Americans on who they trust, for example, and Czechs and Slovaks. An additional comment here or there on societal differences could have been helpful. More critically, however, is that the paper has a very crowded feel to it because of the incorrect use of spacing between subchapters and chapters. There should be a 'double double' space between different subchapters in a chapter, but it is not done here. A more glaring error in this paper is there are three times where the author starts a new chapter on the same page as the previous chapter (see pp. 23, 31, 38). There are stylistic errors too. The writer should have used either italics or quotation marks for key terminology because this can initially confuse the layman reader. An example of this can be found on p. 29 in the first sentence of chapter 3.1.4. There are also inconsistencies with the use of the dollar sign (i.e. $), being used on some pages but not on others. Finally, I found the use of bullet points while often apt in a scientific paper, was overused in this thesis. In conclusion, the work here has satisfied the requirements of the assigned topic and this paper is ready for defence. The final mark and grade for this thesis is 89%/B/velmi dobrý

Navrhovaná známka


eVSKP id 151508