PETR, R. Akční herní demo v Unity [online]. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta informačních technologií. 2023.


Posudek vedoucího

Matýšek, Michal

The bachelor's thesis is of high quality. Despite the delay in submission, it deserves an evaluation of grade A, excellent.

Dílčí hodnocení
Kritérium Známka Body Slovní hodnocení
Informace k zadání The topic of the thesis is challenging. The final implementation significantly exceeds the requirements of the assignment.
Práce s literaturou The student conducted thorough research to acquire information sources necessary for the project.
Aktivita během řešení, konzultace, komunikace The student worked throughout both semesters, proactively addressing the supervisor's suggestions and promptly implementing the recommended modifications. The student consistently showcased advancements in his work. The level of activity notably increased before the submission deadline.
Aktivita při dokončování The thesis was not finalized ahead of schedule. There was a slight delay in its completion. Nevertheless, considering the high quality of the final technical report and especially the implementation, I regard this issue as negligible.
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Posudek oponenta

Kapinus, Michal

I consider the result to be excellent. You can see a significant amount of work done both in the design and the implementation of the practical part. The qualities of the created game demo outweigh the weaker aspects of the technical report, and even considering the assignment's higher difficulty, I suggest an A grade.

Dílčí hodnocení
Kritérium Známka Body Slovní hodnocení
Náročnost zadání I find this task more difficult because the student had to study a wide range of game development skills to be able to design various game mechanics, enemy agents, and the overall look of the game demo.
Rozsah splnění požadavků zadání
Rozsah technické zprávy The technical report is HUGE. It contains 95 standard pages (and 90% is pure text), almost the maximum allowed for the bachelor thesis. In my opinion, some details of the design process could be omitted, or discussed in less detail. 
Prezentační úroveň technické zprávy 65 The logical structure of the technical report is somewhat unclear because the student often mixes the theoretical part with the design part. On the other hand, all aspects taken or inspired from the literature are clearly and correctly cited. The almost complete absence of figures in the first half of the technical report makes it difficult to read. In the end, the reader will get all the necessary information from the technical report with a little effort.
Formální úprava technické zprávy 90 From a typographical point of view, the technical report is of a high standard. I would only criticize the unbalanced content of the individual chapters and the overuse of third-level headings. In addition, the author refers to figures rather strangely (e.g., on page 23), inserting only a numerical reference without explicitly informing the reader that it is a reference to a figure or that they should look at it. From a linguistic point of view, I found no fundamental problem and only a small number of typos. As far as I can tell, as a non-native speaker, it is written in understandable English.
Práce s literaturou 90 The work cites 30 relevant sources, and most of them are either books or scientific papers. Some of them are links to the YouTube video (four), which would be better to put inside the footnote. The [1] source refers to the JPEG image (figure 3.2). It would be much better if it would reference the original article from which the figure originated. Overall, it is clear that the student had to study a large amount of literature, and the information taken is presented well in the technical report.
Realizační výstup 100 The output is admirable, considering that it is a bachelor's thesis. The author has designed and implemented several functional game mechanics for enemy combat and puzzle-solving and multiple enemy agents with different behavior and combat tactics. He then presented these mechanics and agents in a functional and beautiful demo application. Designed mechanics utilize the keyboard and especially the mouse to innovatively control the player's skills. The source code is logically structured into several modules but could be more commented on.
Využitelnost výsledků The result can be used mainly as a demonstrator of designed game mechanics, and individual parts of the result could be used to build an indie game that could be challenging for the players and (in my opinion) fun to play.
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