KALNICKÁ, B. Membránová destilace založená na tenkých polypropylenových membránách: vývoj a testování laboratorní jednotky [online]. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta chemická. 2023.
The thesis " Membrane distillation based on polypropylene hollow fibers: development and testing of laboratory unit” deals with an emerging issue related to industrial waste water treatment and energy recovery. Membrane distillation is commonly used for water desalination, but other applications are still rare. The aim of the thesis was to assemble a small laboratory unit and test its fundamental properties. Mrs. Barbora Kalnická spent several months to develop a small unit, which appeared to b fully functional and exceeded the performance of previous versions. The student presented the results of her research on 57 pages, she used 66 citations. The work is organized in a logical way, the work written in fluent English and a readable form. It can be concluded that the assignment of the work was fulfilled. In addition, I have to highlight the patience in the laboratory work, creativity and independence. As a result, give an overall grade of "A".
Kritérium | Známka | Body | Slovní hodnocení |
Splnění požadavků zadání | A | ||
Studium literatury a její zpracování | A | ||
Využití poznatků z literatury | A | ||
Kvalita zpracování výsledků | A | ||
Interpretace výsledků, jejich diskuse | A | ||
Závěry práce a jejich formulace | A | ||
Využívání konzultací při řešení práce | A | ||
Celkový přístup k řešení úkolů | A |
Presented thesis of BSc. Barbora Kalniska falls into the field of environmental protection technology with the field of the classification of a gas phase-liquid mass transfer of membrane separation. This thesis provides a comprehensive overview of the membrane distillation process, including the principles of its operation and an experimental study of the best operational conditions for a specific hydrophobic membrane type with the risk of membrane wetting. Above all, my great thanks to the thesis supervisor for choosing the topic! Membrane distillation processes offer immense opportunities for the future efforts to keep the sustainabiílity of human life. I have to praise the student for her very responsible approach to the preparation of her thesis and her independence in solving this work. I state that the content of the submitted thesis is of a high-quality professional level and the work is also nicely developed from the point of view of language. Among the minor notes I mention: - It would be good to better define "porosity" ( How is it measured? What are the values for the used ZENA bundles of membranes? - 5.1.1 – if we really aimed at finding the "optimal" condenser, the heat transfer of condensers would have to be calculated. The comparison used in this work is only valid for a very narrow range of used condensation parameters; - 5.1.2 – it would be interesting to know the location and number of "anchors" during the experiments; - In Tab.6 - the dimension Feed flow rate in l/h is inappropriately used, where "l" can be confused with the value of the given quantity. And the dimension of VMD is in L/h! - It would be useful to add a list the markings used; - The scheme of the experimental set-up Fig.7 would deserve more detailed flows including the measured quantities; - Fig. 16 does not have much informative value; - Bibliography: "Petr Plachý....VUT Brno" is not a correct citation.
Kritérium | Známka | Body | Slovní hodnocení |
Splnění požadavků zadání | A | ||
Logické členění práce | A | ||
Kvalita zpracování výsledků | B | ||
Interpretace výsledků, jejich diskuse | A | ||
Využití literatury a její citace | A | ||
Úroveň jazykového zpracování | A | ||
Formální úroveň práce – celkový dojem | B | ||
Závěry práce a jejich formulace | B |
eVSKP id 148957