MASINI, A. The Role of Bi/Material Interface in Integrity of Layered Metal/Ceramic [online]. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta strojního inženýrství. 2019.
Alessia Masini started her doctoral study into PhD program at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering BUT in October 2015 on the project entitled “The role of bi/material interface in the integrity of layered metal/ceramic”. The research was supported by two projects both under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, first project CoACH (Advanced glasses, Composites and Ceramics for High growth Industries European Training Network), grant agreement No. 642557 under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie and the second project GrInHy (Green Industrial Hydrogen via reversible high-temperature electrolysis), grant agreement No 700300 under Hydrogen Europe and N.ERGHY. This support allowed trough close collaboration with the manufacturer of SOC systems, Sunfire GmbH, to obtain up-to-date materials specially prepared for Alesia’s work. The drawback of it can be seen in confidentiality issues restricting publication of obtained results. Alessia Masini attended courses extending her knowledge at the faculty and also several courses organised within the CoACH project focused on soft skills. She successfully passed all the necessary exams planned for her PhD study. Additionally, she had three research stays, namely at Sunfire GmbH, Dresden, Germany, May 1st – June 10th 2016, Politecnico di Torino, Turin, Italy, October 2nd – 27th 2017 and Nanoforce Ltd., Queen Mary University of London, UK, February 11th – March 12th 2018. Her training continued by active attendance at six international conferences and she as a member of CoACH gave the presentation on workshops organised by the project team. During her training, she gained experiences in the field of specimen preparation, mechanical testing and evaluation, microstructural observations and chemical analysis using scanning electron microscopy and numerical calculation by finite element method. From obtained results, she prepared two papers (already published in the impacted journals) where she acts as a first and corresponding author through the whole publication process from the manuscript preparation, coordination of the co-authors, submission, communication with editors up to responding to the reviewers where she has proven ability to apply gained soft skills. From the beginning she has been working precisely, focusing on the given goals and systematically finding solutions. Within a relatively short time, she gained theoretical knowledge and practical experiences and she was able to conduct tasks coming from the design of experiments, sample preparation, realization of the experiment itself and finally she performed analyses of obtained results fully independently. This fact is mirrored in the amount of work done summarised in the thesis which is unusual for such a short period. Alessia was able to deal successfully with problems of SOC integrity and to describe the role of material interfaces within the layered system within three years. Also, the effects of ageing given by the high operating temperature and harsh environment were also assessed. Based on the Alessia’s work summarised in submitted thesis she is capable to work independently coming with new ideas and solutions what is essential for her further scientific carrier. She fulfilled all the criteria for a successful PhD study, therefore, I highly recommend to accept the thesis for the defence. While the defence will be successful I recommend awarding Alessia Masini with the PhD title in Material Sciences.
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eVSKP id 113807