POSPÍŠILOVÁ, A. METODY EXTRAKCE BIOPOLYMERU POLY-3-HYDROXYBUTYRÁTU A JEJICH OPTIMALIZACE [online]. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta chemická. 2022.


Posudek vedoucího

Přikryl, Radek

Aneta Pospíšilová pracovala po celou dobu jejího studia DSP samostatně, velmi efektivně a cíleně. Přestože není absolventkou materiálové chemie, vypořádala se s přechodem na tento obor velmi dobře. Aktivně se zapojila do všech projektů řešených ve výzkumné skupině. Svoje znalosti a zkušenosti zejména z organické chemie využila nejen při svojí práci, ale také při výuce Praktika z organická chemie, kde prokázala svoje pedagogické schopnosti. Absolvovala úspěšně kurz doplňující pedagogické studium a nyní vede 2 bakalářské práce. Aktivně si také rozšiřuje své portfolio dovedností o programování. Je hlavní autorkou tří impaktovaných článků a spoluautorkou dvou publikací souvisejících s projektovou činností týmu. Celou dobu studia pracovala také ve vývoji aplikací pro společnost Nafigate Corp. a.s. v oblasti kosmetiky. Získala cenu francouzské ambasády v kategorii "Make Our Planet Great Again prize for environment & climate research". Aneta je vzorovým doktorandem, komunikativním a kriticky myslícím člověkem, zodpovědnou, spolehlivou a velmi schopnou kolegyní. Jsem přesvědčen, že splňuje podmínky pro udělení titulu Ph.D.

Navrhovaná známka

Posudek oponenta

Plachá,, Daniela

Navrhovaná známka

Kowalczuk, Marek

COMMENTS ON THE PH.D THESIS ELABORATED BY ANETA POSPÍŠILOVÁ FROM THE BRNO UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY, ON “METHODS OF POLY-3-HYDROXYBUTYRATE EXTRACTION AND THEIR OPTIMIZATION”, UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF RADEK PŘIKRYL, PH.D. ASSESSMENT OF THE DOCTORAL DISSERTATION The Ph.D. thesis of Aneta Pospíšilová is aimed at the development of the extraction methods of poly[(R)-3-hydroxybutyrate], (PHB), in order to improve the downstream process from the biomass. Thus, the importance of the topic is significant in terms of the EU Circular Economy policy. The layout of the thesis includes an introduction, state of knowledge, aims of the thesis, experimental part, results and discussion, conclusions as well as references. Thus, the appropriate balance was achieved between the literature survey and the discussion of the presented results, and the dissertation meets the goal. Moreover, a list of figures and tables, a list of publications, patent applications, and presentations of the candidate, where she was a co-author, as well as her academic biography were attached at the end of the dissertation. Based on the analyzed state of knowledge, the objective of the thesis has been formulated and the appropriate procedure for solving the problem was applied. One of the main goals of the dissertation was aimed at the PHB biomass digestion methods. Two selected methods: acid and soap digestion have been developed for use in pilot operations and have proven to be feasible on a large scale. Furthermore, the applicability of the obtained PHB and possible commercialization were addressed. Therefore, the scientific significance and perspective practical applications have been demonstrated. Results and discussion are presented in a very logical way and were devoted to the studies on biomass digestion methods, microplastics in cosmetics, and PHB thermal stability. Thus, the results of performed research indicate, that the main goal of the thesis has been achieved in the case of the polymer studied. The originality of the results is also proven by their publication in international journals and by their presentation at national/international conferences. In conclusion, the doctoral dissertation is well written, and the number of editorial errors and inaccuracies is small and does not differ from the average for this type of work. Thus, I consider that Aneta Pospíšilová deserves to receive the doctorate degree and in my opinion, the dissertation fulfills all requirements for Ph.D. These stated in the Check Republic law (meets the conditions specified in § 47, paragraph 4 of the Act). Consequently, my recommendation is to proceed to the next steps of the Ph.D. qualification procedure of Aneta Pospíšilová. Done in Zabrze on November 2, 2022

Navrhovaná známka

eVSKP id 149868