ŘEHOŘOVÁ, J. Biblioverse - Multifunkční objekt s knihovnou [online]. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta architektury. 2023.


Posudek vedoucího

Bykov, Oleksii

From the very beginning, the student used the widest possible framework for researching the topic of the library. The resulting concept of a library as a kind of a multifunctional centre more than meets the stated idea of rethinking the modern library. A detailed analysis of the technical aspects (like parking) as a potentially profitable economic part of the project seems relevant within a broad design approach. Fitting into the environment, with the creation of an open route of public spaces on the roofs was done successfully. Detailed documentation as well as a decently presented visual part deserves attention. An attempt to use concrete with its various modifications was made by a student as a result of an in-depth study of this topic.

Dílčí hodnocení
Kritérium Známka Body Slovní hodnocení
Přístup studenta ke zpracování A The student showed excellent abilities to work both with a theoretic theme and with its final realisation in an architectural form and project.
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Posudek oponenta

Vala, Jiří

The author demonstrates a great ability of analytical and conceptual thinking. It clearly and comprehensibly presents a well-thought-out overall plan. In the field of architectural design and structural solutions, he needs to gain more experience and confidence so that the results are equally convincing.

Dílčí hodnocení
Kritérium Známka Body Slovní hodnocení
Urbanistické řešení C The bachelor thesis author provides no other analytic document of the site besides a brief evaluation and observation in the form of text. I respect the bold decision to propose car-oriented design, but I strongly disagree with its execution. The design of the car parking areas needs to be more convincing, and the number of parking spaces needs to be higher, raising a question of its effectiveness. Leaving the street front empty in front of Sladová Street could be interpreted as a strong statement, but in my personal opinion, in this case, I see it instead as a wasted opportunity.
Architektonické řešení C The author develops an exciting concept of guiding the visitor through the site through a gradual sequence of scenes viewed from the symbolic red carpet. Unfortunately, this path's intersection points with the elements of windows and skylights seem more like an obstacle and point of collision than interaction. Overall impression of the building of such local importance could be more inviting from either of the streets it relates to, and the urban red shortcut does not fully substitute this fact.
Provozní řešení C The building of this character needs a dignified entrance with clearly defined visitor and operation areas even though their overlap brings definitely an important and enriching aspect. The direct visual connection of entrance areas and café terrace with the car parking is unconvincing and only reinforces the impression of overall strongly car-oriented architecture. The whole problematic of the car parking is the weak point of the whole project in my perspective. Also the loading and unloading areas for the whole building are missing in the scheme and the relationship of rather small public depository and parking space is not ideal.
Technicko konstrukční řešení B The chosen structural solution is quite a bland reinforced concrete grid which is described to be based on car parking. It would be helpful to show some structural scheme and possible adaptability and flexibility of the system to allow for possible future transformation into residencies, for instance, based on its privileged location and also the fact that the plot on the level of Sladová Street is basically empty and could and perhaps should be filled in the future. I lack some sense or even thinking about a sustainable aspect of the project, which also relates to chosen structural system.
Formální úroveň A The work has a good graphic level, the author presents information very clearly, comprehensibly and at the same time in a cultivated form. Visualizations and photo drawings are not very sophisticated, but they illustrate the main ideas of the design well. The level of texts in which there are inaccuracies, misspellings and stylistic and factual errors is weaker.
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eVSKP id 151411