KNUTELSKÝ, M. Emotion Recognition from Analysis of a Person’s Speech [online]. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta informačních technologií. 2023.


Posudek vedoucího

Malik, Aamir Saeed

Overall, it is a good work and I am satisfied.

Dílčí hodnocení
Kritérium Známka Body Slovní hodnocení
Informace k zadání It is a new project. His results are satisfactory and the proposed method holds promise for future research. 
Práce s literaturou The student did the literature review and then implemented an algorithm which is new for the specified application of emotion recognition. The student did a good review of the literature.
Aktivita během řešení, konzultace, komunikace The student regularly met me, that is, once a week. He continuously showed activity and performance throughout the two semesters. He was well prepared for the weekly meetings. Overall, I am very satisfied. 
Aktivita při dokončování The work was completed within time and he had enough time to write the thesis. The final content was consulted with me.
Publikační činnost, ocenění I think that the work can be published in a conference. I have discussed with the student and he is willing to go ahead with a conference paper publication.
Navrhovaná známka

Posudek oponenta

Shakil, Sadia

Overall study results and promising and the proposed algorithms can be improved further for future studies.

Dílčí hodnocení
Kritérium Známka Body Slovní hodnocení
Náročnost zadání The thesis used novel algorithm to classify the emotions from speech, which was challenging due to lack of results from previous studies for comparison purposes. It also estimates the carbon blueprint of the study, which is its unique feature.
Rozsah splnění požadavků zadání The tasks assigned by the supervisor are met satisfactorily.
Rozsah technické zprávy The length of the submitted technical report is 66 pages.
Prezentační úroveň technické zprávy 86 The technical report is well structured and coherently written. 
Formální úprava technické zprávy 86 I found only a few typographical and linguistic errors.
Práce s literaturou 86 The student did a comprehensive literature review and attempted a new approach to solve the problem.
Realizační výstup 85 The student created his own code for implementation of the study.
Využitelnost výsledků The work done by the student is novel and has not been published anywhere. The results bring completely new knowledge to the community working in emotion classification from the speech data.
Navrhovaná známka

eVSKP id 141159