KUČEROVSKÝ, V. Biblioverse - Multifunkční objekt s knihovnou [online]. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta architektury. 2023.


Posudek vedoucího

Bykov, Oleksii

The bachelor thesis was developed in depth and progressively from the original concept of the “corridor”. This concept emerged as a response to the existing site situation where there are essentially two equal entrances. Connecting these entrances in the centre of the site in the library building is in my opinion a very good idea. The creation of the view point in Sladová Street indicates the student's environmental approach, because from this perspective the courtyard has a really wonderful view. The use of wooden structures, with transparent infill, also contributes to the integration of the new public space into the life of this courtyard and the neighbourhood as a whole. A detailed study of existing progressive timber construction systems has been undertaken by the student.

Dílčí hodnocení
Kritérium Známka Body Slovní hodnocení
Přístup studenta ke zpracování A The student completed the work with responsibility and effort.
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Posudek oponenta

Munková, Karolína

More than form, the author should focus on content and the perfection of partial spatial concepts. He develops several lines of concepts which have great potential and are meaningful according to the project. However, it would have been helpful to test at least one of them properly and develop it into a convincing design. I very appreciate how the author is questioning possible foms of the site and its public space use. No doubt he can handle this to perfection in future projects with less time pressure.

Dílčí hodnocení
Kritérium Známka Body Slovní hodnocení
Urbanistické řešení C Author articulates well the potential of the site (which is accessible from both Sladová Street and Pekařská Street) and creates from this particularity motif of the whole proposal. He solves the difference between height levels within the plot by a long ramp providing a barrier-free passage through the site. It is a pity that this concept is neither formally nor functionally handled to perfection. This path leading through the exterior is discontinued by the elevator that leads directly into the interior of the library, thus the barrier-free accessibility ends at the moment the library closes its door. The character, scale, and materiality of the buildings is confidently provoking the context. Worth noting is the decision not to fill the vacant site between the existing buildings with solid blocks and instead create a specific typology of public space in the form of so-called "entrance pergolas" - climatically open platforms offering space for public events as well as informal meetings. This combination of solutions creates some nice moments and nooks within the courtyard. The library building itself is hidden inside the core of the plot which reflects the idea of the library as a silent, contemplative place. However, the design of the exterior itself together with the idea of the passage through the plot could be developed in a more convincing way - both in terms of operational solution, various atmospheres, and the potential use of the different places. Parking is not designed within the parcel which I understand to be a conceptual statement of the design of this public institution. But, at least for the daily service of the library, it would be appropriate to consider the possibility of car access to the inner courtyard.
Architektonické řešení C The library itself is designed along the imaginary axis of the site. It has an eye-catching form that derives from the geometric relationship of the two edge buildings. Together with this concept, the proposal aims to be questioning the potential typology of the corridor. The result in the form of a one-storey library hall appears a bit formal. Author could better explain how he himself perceives the concept of the corridor and the proposed "return to its more meaningful use rather than just a transitional space". However, the work with shape and form generates many interesting spatial moments - different layers of sightlines within the interior, exterior and their interplay - something I consider one of the biggest qualities of the design. According to the size of the built-up area, the presence of green roofs is appropriate, however I think their full potential could have been also better incorporated into the design.
Provozní řešení D Since the project is based on a rather standard typology of the library without any complicated functional schemes, various functional details could have been refined to a higher quality. Most of the facilities deserve a bit more solid solution – in particular - the offices and other rooms with questionable amount of daylight, the "makerspace" without any daylight at all, the facilities of the exterior multi-use spaces, the layout and dimensions of the bar and other details. Also, the arrangement of certain furnishing equipment appears too random in some cases.
Technicko konstrukční řešení B The decision to use the unclosed CLT frame structure as a unifying structural solution passing through the site is to me an adequate conceptual solution, concerning the polemics about the multi-use of the building. This structure could possibly accommodate completely different activities with no greater difficulties in the future. In certain parts of the plan, the dimensions and the density of the structure seem a bit exaggerated which raises questions about whether the grid could possibly adapt according to different needs of different parts of the building. Thus I see the great dimensions of the structure interesting at the moment we consider it as the base structure that can grow and change.
Formální úroveň B Formally, the work is well handled. Some details like proportional scale or elevation marks in the sections are missing - adding them would make the project more clear. One more perspective from the interior - the hall or "corridor" of the library – could help for a better understanding of the character of this space.
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eVSKP id 151410