ŠABACKÁ, Z. Proposal for Personal Development Plan for Manager Operating in a Small Company [online]. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta podnikatelská. 2022.


Posudek vedoucího

Konečná, Zdeňka

The aim of final theses was completed and is applicable into the daily praxis of the company. Used methods were appropriately selected and implemented with regard to the aim of the final thesis, however their usage could be described more in detail. For statistical evaluation of gathered data were chosen descriptive statics only. However, student was able to come up with conclusions based on analysed gained data and propose very good suggestions of competency model for a selected job position of marketing manager in a chosen particular company. There is a time schedule and estimation of costs related to the proposal included. However, there is no mentioned, if the company can cover these costs completely or partialy with employee participation. Regarding the formal processing there are some issues that should be noticed, e.g. there is no consistency in referencing style chosen in the text of the thesis. The sources on which is thesis based could be more recent, however for this topic they are very relevant.

Dílčí hodnocení
Kritérium Známka Body Slovní hodnocení
Splnění stanovených cílů B
Zvolený postup řešení, adekvátnost použitých metod C
Schopnost interpretovat dosažené výsledky a vyvozovat z nich závěry C
Praktická využitelnost výsledků C
Uspořádání práce, formální náležitosti, použitá terminologie a odborná jazyková úroveň B
Práce s informačními zdroji, včetně citací C
Navrhovaná známka

Posudek oponenta

Mandel, Miroslav

I value mainly the analytical part in which the student understood and analyzed the employee’s key competencies needed for sufficient performance within our company and his position. This was the critical point since required skills of the selected employee are a composure of capabilities usually split to several positions – marketing manager for B2B sales, specialist for B2C and manager of graphic designers and creative staff. Apart from the tailor made model of competence analysis I appreciate the practical aspect of the analysis, and proposed solution. In fact it is close to a model applied regularly by the company in a simplified way and therefore it proves the usability in real company operation. The accuracy and measurability of the results increase the usability of the outcome.

Dílčí hodnocení
Kritérium Známka Body Slovní hodnocení
Splnění stanovených cílů A
Zvolený postup řešení, adekvátnost použitých metod A
Schopnost interpretovat dosažené výsledky a vyvozovat z nich závěry B
Praktická využitelnost výsledků A
Struktura práce, použitá terminologie a odborná jazyková úroveň B
Práce s informačními zdroji A
Navrhovaná známka


eVSKP id 143191