HATALA, J. Artefacts Removal from Brain EEG Signals Using Adaptive Algorithms [online]. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta informačních technologií. 2023.
I am fully satisfied with the performance of the student for his thesis work.
Kritérium | Známka | Body | Slovní hodnocení |
Informace k zadání | The thesis work was very challenging since the student had to develop a framework for removal of artifacts from EEG data using various existing adaptive filters. Furthermore, he implemented an entirely new Quantum-LMS algorithm on EEG data for the same purpose. I am fully satisfied with the outcome of the thesis. | ||
Práce s literaturou | Student did a thorough literature review to study the algorithms he implemented and has clear understanding of the algorithms. | ||
Aktivita během řešení, konzultace, komunikace | The student very actively worked on the thesis throughout the year. He met his targets for the assigned tasks and successfully achieved all the targeted goals of his thesis. | ||
Aktivita při dokončování | The work was successfully and satisfactorily completed before the deadline. | ||
Publikační činnost, ocenění | The code of the thesis is published on GitHub. |
1) The project is excellent
Kritérium | Známka | Body | Slovní hodnocení |
Náročnost zadání | The level of assignment is more difficult. | ||
Rozsah splnění požadavků zadání | The submitted work meets the assignment. | ||
Rozsah technické zprávy | The thesis meets the minimum requirement. | ||
Prezentační úroveň technické zprávy | 91 | 1) The report is well written 2) It has continuity and the work is comprehentable | |
Formální úprava technické zprávy | 92 | 1) The thesis is well-written and easy to follow. | |
Práce s literaturou | 92 | 1) The work is in line with the state of the art. 2) The thesis follows the standard practice of ethics. | |
Realizační výstup | 92 | 1) The code is well written 2) It is running and easy to follow 3) The work is in accordance with the license terms and copyright. | |
Využitelnost výsledků | The work is extending already existing work. |
eVSKP id 146185