FRAIT, M. Biblioverse - Multifunkční objekt s knihovnou [online]. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta architektury. 2023.


Posudek vedoucího

Bykov, Oleksii

The project has been developed consistently as a kind of settlement made up of several buildings rather than a single whole building. This was a kind of response to the student's previous conceptual and theoretical research. The labour-intensive process of deciding on the scale and placement of the individual modules is done well. The use of the underground space as a technical as well as a main transit and communication platform seems to be a good solution. The overall impression of the freestanding modules of different shapes feels successful for the courtyard space.

Dílčí hodnocení
Kritérium Známka Body Slovní hodnocení
Přístup studenta ke zpracování A The student worked hard and responsibly and did a decent job.
Navrhovaná známka

Posudek oponenta

Stejskal, Ivo

The author manages to think conceptually about spaces and to design the operation of familiar buildings in an unconventional way. In the field of architectural design, he is able to conceive in tune with his ideas, which are legible from the design. However, the concept of space seems to weaken its practical use. He needs to elaborate more on the operation of his design for better functionality so that the work is of good quality in this aspect as well.

Dílčí hodnocení
Kritérium Známka Body Slovní hodnocení
Urbanistické řešení B The author of the work is aware of the importance of the plot in the context of the city and addresses the space with a vision to connect otherwise inaccessible spaces with appropriate elements. The new openness, with an effort to maintain a certain intimacy and human scale, also makes sense in conjunction with the building's program to serve the general public. The approach could have been even more thoughtful by, for example, suggesting the possibility of building up the empty plots on street level - the question remains, however, whether the library building should be completely hidden in the courtyard and whether the plots could be used specifically to pull the library space up to the street.
Architektonické řešení B The proposed building is divided into a solid concrete part underground and greenhouses sticking out of it above ground. The layout and shape of the masses appears almost accidental and seems to resemble the naturally occurring temporary and small buildings from the courtyards. A public building might not need to hide in such a form. At the same time, the author failed to consider the existing grown-up trees on the plot, which could have justified the irregular shape of the building. Much of the building, especially the large study, has no natural light even through skylights. The archive spaces seem rather small for the needs of the library. However, the use of smaller, more playfully arranged volumes really creates a sense of intimacy even outside the buildings and plays with an alternative approach to monumental libraries.
Provozní řešení C The area is designed in a complex way and the author's ideas about the integration of spaces are clearly written into the operational design. However, the design makes the supply and serviceability of the building appear problematic. Given the presence of archive spaces underground, these spaces could have been made accessible to vehicles. Also, the proposal does not include parking spaces. Which is partly excusable to the otherwise very good public transport accessibility. Nevertheless, the visitor-accessible spaces are quite useful and really offer a range of places where everyone can find a place. The permeability of the area also appears to be good and thought has been given to the mobility disadvantaged.
Technicko konstrukční řešení B The author of the work deals in detail with the dimensions of the frame structure in relation to the spatial requirements of the possible functions that can be placed in the superstructure. However, it deals exclusively with the load-bearing structure and, at a conceptual level, it ignores the necessity of connecting individual operations to engineering networks and media distributions. At the same time, this can be the main obstacle to the intended and declared flexibility. Sufficient attention is not paid to the solution of the perimeter shell of the building and its shielding.
Formální úroveň C The graphic level of the work is average. The drawings are straightforward and clear. The author could have explained his intentions more in the concept drawings and diagrams, same as in the texts but otherwise the texts are informative and to the point. The level of visualizations is weaker as they do not sufficiently show the qualities of the spaces.
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eVSKP id 151407