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Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta podnikatelská
Disertacni prace se sna.i metodicky definovat hlavni p.inosy p.istupu Supply chain managementu (dale SCM) a navrhnout s vyuzitim teto metody pristupy ke zvysovani efektivity a ziskovosti podniku a tim i cele vykonnosti podniku, predstavit moznosti mereni teto vykonnosti a vytvorit urcitou metodiku pro jeji zvysovani s vyuzitim SCM. Prace je koncipovana se zretelem na splneni hlavniho a dilcch cilu disertacni prace. V prvni casti se zabyva zejmena zduvodninim aktualnosti a vyznamu pristupu SCM. Dalsi cast se zameruje na soucasny stav resene problematiky, kde popisuje aktualni nazory odborniku a jednotlive smery vyuzivani SCM v podnicich. Take se zde popisuje zakladni definice a filozofie SCM a zabyva se i IT podporou teto metody. Navazujici cast resi dilci cile disertacni prace, jejichz reseni tvori hlavni ucel a obsah disertacni prace. Tyto dilci cile lze shrnout do ctyr zakladnich oblasti: .. Analyza soucasne urovne vyuzivani modelu SCM v ceskych podnicich, .. Stanoveni relevantnich kriterii pro hodnoceni vykonnosti podniku v oblasti obstaravani v ramci celeho dodavatelskeho retezce, .. Implementace SCM do strategickeho rizeni podniku, .. Vytvoreni metodiky pro zvysovani vykonnosti podniku s vyuzitim SCM. Samostatnou cast prace tvori overeni v praci uvedenych metodickych postupu a konkretni navrhy v praxi rizeni strojirenskeho podniku. Zaverem jsou zdurazneny prinosy disertacni prace pro teorii a jeji prinosy pro rozvoj podniku a manazerskou praxi.
Dissertation work is engaged in methodical definition of the principal contributions of Supply chain management (next SCM) and focuses on proposals of approaches to increase of company effectiveness and profitability and also the whole company performance by using this method, tries to present various possibilities of measurement of this performance and to create a certain methodology for its increasing using SCM. The thesis is conceived having regard to fulfillment of the principal and partial goals of the dissertation thesis. The first part of this work is mainly dedicated to reasons of topicality and meaning of the concept SCM. The next part is focused on the present state of solved questions where describes actual opinions of experts and individual directions of using SCM in companies. This part also describes main definitions and the philosophy of SCM and is also engaged in IT support of this method. The next part is concerned with the partial goals, whose solutions create the main purpose and content of this dissertation thesis. These goals can be summarized in four fundamental spheres: .. The analysis of the present level of using the SCM model in Czech companies, .. Setting of relevant criteria for companies performance measurement in the sphere of purchase within the whole supply chain, .. Implementation of SCM into the company strategic management, .. Creation of the methodology for increasing company performance by using SCM. Partial verifications of the methodical processes in management practice of engineering manufacture companies frame a separate part. Contributions of the academic dissertation for theory and its contribution for corporation development and managerial practice are emphasized last.
Dissertation work is engaged in methodical definition of the principal contributions of Supply chain management (next SCM) and focuses on proposals of approaches to increase of company effectiveness and profitability and also the whole company performance by using this method, tries to present various possibilities of measurement of this performance and to create a certain methodology for its increasing using SCM. The thesis is conceived having regard to fulfillment of the principal and partial goals of the dissertation thesis. The first part of this work is mainly dedicated to reasons of topicality and meaning of the concept SCM. The next part is focused on the present state of solved questions where describes actual opinions of experts and individual directions of using SCM in companies. This part also describes main definitions and the philosophy of SCM and is also engaged in IT support of this method. The next part is concerned with the partial goals, whose solutions create the main purpose and content of this dissertation thesis. These goals can be summarized in four fundamental spheres: .. The analysis of the present level of using the SCM model in Czech companies, .. Setting of relevant criteria for companies performance measurement in the sphere of purchase within the whole supply chain, .. Implementation of SCM into the company strategic management, .. Creation of the methodology for increasing company performance by using SCM. Partial verifications of the methodical processes in management practice of engineering manufacture companies frame a separate part. Contributions of the academic dissertation for theory and its contribution for corporation development and managerial practice are emphasized last.
HAMPLOVÁ, P. ZVYŠOVÁNÍ VÝKONNOSTI PODNIKŮ S VYUŽITÍM [online]. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta podnikatelská. 2008.
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Řízení a ekonomika podniku
Date of acceptance
Result of defence
práce byla úspěšně obhájena
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Standardní licenční smlouva - přístup k plnému textu bez omezení