KOKOLIA, M. Elektronické komponenty v textilních substrátech [online]. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií. 2022.


Posudek vedoucího

Raida, Zbyněk

The dissertation thesis submitted by Martin Kokolia is focused on the integration of electronic components to textile substrates, and 3D knitted materials especially. Personally, I highly appreciate: - Numerical investigation of 3D knitted materials considering their micro-structure, and the development of their simplified homogeneous equivalents. - The concept of hexagonal artificial magnetic conductor (HAMC) eliminating the need of sewing during the integration of electronics into 3D textile substrates. - A wide range of applications (transmission lines, antennas, sensors) based on the developed HAMC. The dissertation thesis is original in several aspects. This fact can be proven: - By 3 records on Web of Science including 2 conference papers and 1 journal article (International Journal of Numerical Modelling - Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields). - By an additional paper, which was accepted for publication in Journal of Electrical Engineering. Martin was engaged in educational activities at the university as well: - He supervised 4 bachelor theses focused on antennas and microwaves. - He contributed to teaching and updating laboratory exercises of courses focused on electromagnetic waves and antennas. According to my opinion, Martin Kokolia meets all usual requirements on a PhD candidate. I therefore fully recommend PhD thesis authored by Martin to be defended.

Navrhovaná známka

Posudek oponenta

Joler,, Miroslav

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Navrhovaná známka

Dražan, Libor

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Navrhovaná známka

eVSKP id 137386