PODIVÍN, L. Design and implementation of control software libraries for fiber characterization [online]. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií. 2010.


Posudek vedoucího

Honzík, Petr

Posudek vedoucího práce ve Finsku na univerzitě Tampere, kterým byl Prof. Pasi Kallio, je z formálních důvodů veden jako druhý oponentský posudek, ve kterém lze nalézti celé znění hodnocení vedoucího. Zde udělené body kopírují hodnocení originálního posudku Prof. Kallioho.

Dílčí hodnocení
Kritérium Známka Body Slovní hodnocení
Splnění zadání A 45/50
Aktivita během řešení a zpracování práce (práce s literaturou, využívání konzultací, atd.) A 20/20
Formální zpracování práce C 15/20
Využití literatury C 7/10
Navrhovaná známka

Posudek oponenta

Hästbacka, David

The thesis meets the goals set and describes clearly the work performed. The theoretic part and the background to the application, however, could have been presented more extensively as well as an overview of the system to which the designed modules were implemented. The developed software modules and their functionality are well explained in the thesis but more arguments and explanations for some of the chosen design decisions would have been justified. The testing and evaluation of the software is helpful and gives good indicative results of the performance and its applicability in the future. The thesis was easy to read but sometimes the language was colloquial. The scientific level of the thesis could have been improved with a more extensive theory part and wider use of references.

Dílčí hodnocení
Kritérium Známka Body Slovní hodnocení
Splnění požadavků zadání C 15/20
Odborná úroveň práce B 40/50
Interpretace výsledků a jejich diskuse C 15/20
Formální zpracování práce D 6/10
Navrhovaná známka


Kallio, Pasi

Ladislav Podivín's task was to design and implement two software modules for a microrobotic platform meant for the characterization and manipulation of individual paper fibers. The topic and the objectives were finalized in the beginning of the internship, which left a relatively short time of five months to get familiar with the topic, the tools used for the development, the application field, the new working culture and environment, and to perform the software design, implementation, and testing. Despite the time restriction, Podivín achieved the given goals excellently and he completed the software modules such that they very well fulfill the given requirements. However, the time restriction can be seen in the written thesis, which in some parts is little bit cursory and informal in style. During the internship, Podivín has proved that he is capable of working as a part of an international academic research team and he showed very good skills in automation software engineering. Mr. Podivín was a responsible and thorough trainee who performed the tasks given on agreed time. He also showed excellent commitment and independent initiative.

Dílčí hodnocení
Kritérium Známka Body Slovní hodnocení
Splnění požadavků zadání A 20/20
Odborná úroveň práce A 45/50
Interpretace výsledků a jejich diskuse C 15/20
Formální zpracování práce C 7/10
Navrhovaná známka

eVSKP id 30891