MOKRÝ, O. Moderní optimalizační metody pro interpolaci chybějících úseků v audio signálech [online]. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií. 2024.


Posudek vedoucího

Rajmic, Pavel

Ondřej Mokrý worked on his dissertation topic thoroughly and continuously during his studies. Ondřej took advantage of the fact that he got familiar with signal processing already during work on his bachelor's and master's theses. On his way to scientific independence, his mathematical education acquired at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering helped him to a great extent. Nevertheless, Ondřej was able to study new parts from the field of signal processing, statistics, machine learning and coding with ease. During his studies, he became one of the top scientists in the field of audio signal restoration, as demonstrated by his publication record. Like most of his articles, his thesis is written in English, at an excellent level. During his studies, Ondřej was involved in a number of research projects, one of which was international (FWF–GAČR). He was an indispensable person in all projects. Some of the project even were not directly related to audio (reconstruction of magnetic resonance images (GAČR), optical signal processing (MVČR)). Although this work is not a part of the thesis, the corresponding publications show the breadth of the aspirant's scope. Ondřej spent three months on an internship at IRIT Toulouse, which resulted in a joint publication. The submitted thesis meets all requirements for a dissertation and therefore I recommend it for defense.

Navrhovaná známka

Posudek oponenta

Kowalski, Matthieu

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Navrhovaná známka

Koldovský, Zbyněk

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Navrhovaná známka

eVSKP id 160689