GUZOVÁ, I. Biblioverse - Multifunkční objekt s knihovnou [online]. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta architektury. 2023.


Posudek vedoucího

Bykov, Oleksii

The project is done to a high standard. One of the distinguishing features of the project is the careful attention paid to the existing environment on the site. The incorporation of existing buildings into the new design concept is in my opinion very relevant to today's contemporary architectural agenda. The scale of the whole building and the effect of its sensitive incorporation into the existing site is also very important. Expanding the library function to the scale of workshops responds to the bachelor thesis statement of libraries in today's world, which was originally set out.

Dílčí hodnocení
Kritérium Známka Body Slovní hodnocení
Přístup studenta ke zpracování A The student Ivanna was professional in her work on the diploma project. She did everything on time and responsibly.
Navrhovaná známka

Posudek oponenta

Sedziak, Urszula

The author has shown good skills in creating functional solutions and designing interesting spaces. While the work appears to be carefully prepared, there is room for improvement in how the overall concept is developed and presented.

Dílčí hodnocení
Kritérium Známka Body Slovní hodnocení
Urbanistické řešení C The thesis author examines and draws conclusions from a complicated situation where a new building is being planned. The building's overall size and proportions harmoniously blend into the urban courtyard without overshadowing neighboring structures. Although the structure facing Pekarska Street varies in height and roof shape from the surrounding buildings, it still maintains an appropriate scale. There was a similar potential for the infill building from Sladová Street. While the stairway connection providing access to the roof garden is commendable, the building could further leverage the terrain and hill to enhance its overall design.
Provozní řešení B The project's operational aspects have been resolved, providing car access and a drop-off area on the underground floor, as well as walkable access from both sides of the courtyard (although the staircase access may not be suitable for all users). The room layouts have been thoughtfully arranged to align with the building's purpose and accessibility needs, at the same time providing flexibility in some areas of the space use. Although some decisions, such as the separation of storage space from workshop areas, may be questioned, the overall concept has been resolved satisfactorily.
Technicko konstrukční řešení B The author's choice to use prefabricated construction is a wise decision to minimize the complexity of the work and reduce disturbances in the courtyard building site. The detailed section of the facade explains how the construction works, but the body of work could include more information about the facade solution itself.
Architektonické řešení B The author of the project has prioritized not only fulfilling the building's purpose, but also creating spaces, solutions, and atmospheres that are captivating and interesting. An example of this is incorporating the existing garage buildings into the new structure, which aligns with the reuse and repurpose concept. The size and scale of the building suit its intended purpose and context, and dividing it into two parts linked by terraces enhances its functionality and allows for outdoor spaces that complement the building's functions. However, it is unclear why the building in the courtyard center is oriented in the proposed way. The gallery and shop selling products from craftsmen workshops, situated in the frontal building on Pekarska Street, has great potential to attract users and entice them further into the courtyard. Nevertheless, the decision to place the materials storage in this building raises questions about its functionality, since it is separated and far away from the workshop area.The adaptation of the rooftops into open terraces adds extra value to the building's functionality.
Formální úroveň B The body of work presents a good level, both in graphics and writing. Detailed building plans clearly and effectively communicate the functional solution. However, an additional graphical explanation of the site plan (including more detailed pathways, greenery, etc.) could be beneficial. Moreover, an axonometric view could help illustrate the relationship between the newly planned building and the surrounding courtyard context. The raw graphic style used to depict the interior through a collage approach aligns well with the narrative of the project and effectively conveys the intended atmosphere. Given the author's focus on creating unique and engaging spaces throughout the project, producing additional visuals to showcase the designed spaces would be a valuable addition.
Navrhovaná známka


eVSKP id 151408